- The homework report is in the directory /Report and is called hw3 report.pdf
- The code for this homework is located in /Code and is documented in the appendix of the report.
- Data produced in the prgram is exported to /data/
- Figures generated that are found in the report can be found under /figures
- Figures in the report were generated using a python script and the library matplotlib. The script was run using the Anaconda Distr. of Python 3.7.4
- To reproduce data in the report
- Compile trapezoidal.f90 using
gfortran trapezoidal.f90 -o trap.out
- Run
- Compile the object file for gq.f90 using
gfortran -O3 -c gq.f90
- Link lglnodes.f90 and compile the exectuable using
gfortran -o gq_test.x gq.o lglnodes.o
- Run
- this program will output to the screen to show progress as it takes some time to run
- Both files will output their respective data files when run.
- All python code had to be left at the top level and could not be placed in a folder as the script was having issues accessing the necessary locations for data processing when in another location.
- The graph created by derivative_plot.py was not used in the final version of the report but the figure generated by the script and the script itself were left for refernce.