This is my GitHub profile.
I am a theoretical informatician and amateur software engineer from the Research Triangle. What code I write is scarce but immaculate, and I have a lot more important contributions to share in architecture instead. I discovered the notion of mechanicalism as an approach to programming, in contrast to functionalism that dominated the world before. I created C* as a variant of ANSI C and the first mechanicalist systems programming language.
I am the founder and president of Xion Megatrends, a company I created as a vehicle for developing and marketing my personal supercomputer project, Anodyne. I am also the sole proprietor of Aquefir Consulting, a consulting company and personal portfolio. I am also the co-founder of Arqadium, a video game development and publishing studio, along with my husband.
Xion Megatrends is my main focus for the time being. I am putting together a laboratory, which I will fill with research computers from the ‘80s and ‘90s. These PCs will help me create the Byblos SDK, which I will then use to develop Sirius DOS, the Feeble C compiler, Sirius C*, Hinterlib, Oración, Quindle, and more.
If you like what I do, please check out my sponsorship pitch. There are tiers friendly to all budgets and interest, and if you can’t throw in, it would still mean the world to me if you looked around, starred some projects, or even opened up an issue. I need all the encouragement I can get. Thank you!