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PIPEFISH, the HuBMAP Spatial Transcriptomics Pipeline

The logo for PIPEFISH, a pipefish with the diagram for the pipeline workflow on its back A CWL pipeline for processing spatial transcriptomics data.


This pipeline is natively compatible with Linux systems, and M1/2 Mac support is currently in the works. Windows users can run the pipeline by installing WSL2 and taking extra steps to configure Docker Engine.

Method 1: Local Python Install

  1. Prerequisites: >20GB disk space, Docker Engine or Singularity, and Python > 3.7.
  2. Clone this repo with git clone -b release
  3. Install cwltool with pip install cwltool.
  4. You can now run pipeline.cwl and the step files included in /steps by using cwltool [file].cwl [inputs], or cwltool --singularity [file].cwl [inputs] if using Singularity in place of Docker Engine.

Note: A long list of warnings is expected due to the way the pipeline fails with an explanation if incorrect inputs are provided. The tool ran successfully if the final output is Final process status is success.

Method 2: Running in a Docker container

This method is not recommended due to creating additional computational overhead, but can be useful in situations where the pipeline is deployed as a job on a cloud computer, such as kubernetes. The exact steps to run remotely will vary depending on infrastructure.

  1. Prerequisites: >20GB disk space, Docker Engine.
  2. Obtain the runner image with docker pull hubmap/starfish-docker-runner:latest.
  3. Refer to Docker mount documentation for directions on how to make input/output directories accessible to the docker image. Run the docker image as docker run --name PIPEFISH --mount [your mount string] hubmap/starfish-docker-runner:latest.
  4. Run PIPEFISH inside the docker image the same as you would in Method 1 with docker exec -d PIPEFISH cwltool --singularity --outdir [defined in prior step] [step].cwl [input parameters].

Note: A long list of warnings is expected due to the way the pipeline fails with an explanation if incorrect inputs are provided. The tool ran successfully if the final output is Final process status is success

Example PIPEFISH Run

  1. Download and extract one of our pre-formatted, open-access datasets.

    • The mouse brain ISS data is recommended as a first choice due to filesize, memory footprint, and short run time.
    • Expected memory needed to run datasets:
      • iss_mouse_brain: 2.8GB
      • merfish_human_u2os: 6.9GB
      • seqfish_mouse_embryo: 38.5GB

    The seqfish dataset is particularly memory and time intensive because it uses the CheckAll decoder; this is fairly typical for images of this size (6 x 2048 x 2048) using this decoding method.

  2. From inside the extracted directory, run the provided script. This will generate a pipeline.yml file with absolute paths to the downloaded data.

  3. The pipeline can now be run with cwltool {path to cloned repo}/pipeline.cwl {path to downloaded data}/pipeline.yml.

The two provided input text files for the pipeline, pipeline.yml and *metadata.json, can be used as a template for user-defined datasets.

Example MERSCOPE data

We have generated an input template from a publicly available MERSCOPE dataset. The instructions at the link explain both how to run PIPEFISH with the provided dataset and what would need to be done to run PIPEFISH on another MERSCOPE dataset.

Overall Program Flow

A flowchart describing the inputs and outputs of each pipeline stage.


Necessary parameters can be passed in through a yml file, or inline if the remaining required parameters are specified through the parameter_json input file. Nested entries need to be provided as input records (yml) or as a nested dictionary (json). Variable types noted with a ? are optional inputs.

Images are expected to be in tiff format with a consistent file structure for all FOVs. If needed, images can be converted from proprietary formats with ImageJ Bioformats.

File inputs cannot be provided through json input, and must be provided either in-line or as a yml. A combination of yml and json input can be used, and it is recommended to store all values that will be true for any run of a dataset in the json file, and to store anything that may be run-dependent (ex. selected_fovs or n_processes) in the yml file. For any parameter defined in both the yml and json inputs, the json input takes priority.

Input parameters are as follows:

File Inputs

These inputs cannot be passed as a part of json input, and many are only used when individual steps are run independently as they are automatically populated by output from prior steps during a pipeline run.

Needed for Pipeline Run

Psuedoround Sorting

For experiments where the true rounds and channels are converted to stacked “pseudo” rounds, the following information is needed to convert the images from trueround to pseudoround format. Note that it is assumed that the images are the only thing referred to by their respective true imaging rounds, and that all the other variables provided above and in the codebook refer to pseudorounds and pseudochannels.

The following are needed as inputs to sorter.cwl, as well as those specified in the "Dataset Formatting" section.

  • channel_yml File PyYML-formatted list containing dictionaries outlining how the imaging truechannels relate to the pseudochannels in the decoding codebook. The index of each dict within the list is the trueround % (count of pseudorounds). The keys of the dict are the channels within the image and the values are the pseudochannels in the converted notebook.
  • cycle_yml File PyYML-formatted dictionary outlining how the truerounds in imaging relate to the pseudorounds in the decoding codebook. The keys are truerounds and the values are the corresponding pseudorounds.
Raw Dataset

The following parameters will be used by either spaceTxConversion.cwl or by sorter.cwl, if pseudoround sorting is applied.

  • input_dir Directory Root directory containing all images.
  • The codebook for the experiment must be provided in one of two formats:
    • codebook_csv File CSV containing codebook information for the experiment. Rows are barcodes and columns are imaging rounds. Column IDs are expected to be sequential, and round identifiers are expected to be integers (not roman numerals).
    • codebook_json File JSON containing codebook information for the experiment, as formatted by Starfish.

There are five possible segmentation methods in this pipeline. If cellpose user-in-the-loop models or external segmentation are to be used, external files must be provided. Other parameters may be passed as json input.

  • External Segmentation
    1. External roi_set, such as from FIJI segmentation.
      • mask_roi_files directory Directory containing for each FOV.
      • mask_roi_formats string Layout of the name of each zip folder, per FOV. Will be formatted as file_formats.format([fov index]).
    2. External labeled binary image.
      • mask_labeled_files directory Directory containing labeled segmentation images, such as from ilastik classification.
      • mask_labeled_formats string Layout of the name of each labelled image. Will be formatted with file_formats_labeled.format([fov index]).
  • Cellpose Segmentation
    • pretrained_model_dir file If a user-defined moded is to be used, then this file must be provided. Directions for user-in-the-loop training can be read here.

Only Needed for Individual Steps

The following parameters are only needed for running individual steps, such as for debugging. In a pipeline run, these will be automatically populated by prior steps.

Image Processing
  • input_dir directory Root directory that contains Starfish-formatted data, such as 2_tx_converted.
Image Decoding
  • exp_loc directory Root directory that contains Starfish-formatted data, such as 3_processed.
  • decoded_loc directory Root directory from image decoding step, such as 4_Decoded.
  • exp_loc directory Location of directory containing experiment.json file, typically 3_processed.
  • codebook_exp Directory Directory containing both an experiment.json file and codebook.json, such as 2_tx_converted or 3_processed.
  • segmentation_loc directory Directory containing segmented data from an experiment, such as 5_Segmentation or 6_Baysor.
  • data_exp directory Directory containing decoded data from an experiment, such as 4_Decoded.

Non-File Inputs

All of these parameters may be passed as a part of json input.

Overall pipeline.cwl Program Flow

The following parameters can be used when invoking the entire pipeline through pipeline.cwl to change which steps are run.

  • skip_formatting boolean? If true, the stages of Pseudoround Sorting and SpaceTx Conversion will be skipped.
  • skip_processing boolean? If true, the stage of Image Processing will be skipped.
  • run_baysor boolean? If true, the stage of Baysor will be run after segmentation. Only works with 2D Datasets.
  • skip_qc boolean? If true, the stage of QC will be skipped.
Parameters Applied Over Multiple Stages
  • selected_fovs int[]? If provided, any stage after SpaceTx Conversion will only run on the selected FOVs. Useful for running large datasets in environments with limited disk space.

    Results from partial-fov runs can be combined by merging output folders. The only files that need modification are in 3_processing. Due to how starfish loads Experiment files, the json files for each view (including the primary view) will need to merge the 'contents' field across runs to include all relevant FOVs.

  • n_processes int? The number of processes to be used for computationally intense methods in Image Processing and Decoding. If not provided, this will set this to the number of logical processors on the system, which are not guaranteed to be accessible if the tool is run on a shared cluster. If the number of logical processors cannot be determined for some reason, it will default to 1.

Dataset Information

If these fields were not specified for sorter.cwl, they must be satisfied for spaceTxConversion.cwl.

  • fov_count int The number of FOVs in the experiment
  • round_count int The number of imaging rounds in the experiment.
  • zplane_count int The number of z-planes in each image.
  • channel_count int The number of total channels per imaging round.
  • cache_read_order string[] Describes the order of the axes within each individual image file. Accepted values are CH, X, Y, Z, R.

Optional variables that describe the real-world locations of each fov and size of each voxel. These must be all unspecified or all specified. Required for QC to run.

  • x_locs, y_locs, z_locs float[] List of the n-axis start location per FOV index.
  • x_shape, y_shape, z_shape int Length of the n-axis across all FOVs.
  • x_voxel, y_voxel, z_voxel float Size of voxels along the n-axis.
File Formatting
  • round_offset int? The index of the first round in the file name. Defaults to 0.
  • fov_offset int? The index of the first FOV in the file name. Defaults to 0.
  • channel_offset int? The index of the first channel in the file name. Defaults to 0.
  • file_format string String with directory/file layout for .tiff files. Tile-specific values will be inserted into this string using the python .format function, with the order specified in “file_vars”.
  • file_vars string[] List of strings with variables to insert into “file_format”. The following values are accepted.
    • channel
    • offset_channel (channel + channel_offset)
    • round
    • offset_round (round + round_offset)
    • fov
    • offset_fov (fov + fov_offset)
    • zplane
    • offset_zplane (zplane + zplane_offset)
Auxiliary View Formatting

The following variables describe the structure of auxiliary views, if any are present. There must be as many entries in these lists as there are aux views, unless otherwise noted. If json input is being used and there are no aux views, an empty list must be provided for the key aux_tilesets.

  • aux_tilesets:
    • aux_names string[] The name for each auxiliary view.
    • aux_file_formats string[] The same as “file_format”, for each auxiliary view.
    • aux_file_vars string[][] The same as “file_vars”, for each auxiliary view.
    • aux_cache_read_order string[] The same as “cache_read_order”, for each auxiliary view.
    • aux_single_round boolean[]? If provided and True, specified aux views will only have one round.
    • aux_channel_count int[] The number of channels in each aux view.
    • aux_channel_slope float[] Used to convert 0-indexed channel IDs to the channel within the image, in the case that aux views use higher-indexed channels in an image already used in another view. If channels are 1:1 to the primary view, use 1. Calculated as : Image index = int(index * channel_slope) + channel_intercept
    • aux_channel_intercept int[] Used to convert 0-indexed channel IDs to the channel within the image, in the case that aux views use higher-indexed channels in an image already used in another view. See above calculation. If channels are 1:1 to the primary view, use 0.

Image Processing

The following are used in processing.cwl for basic image formatting.

  • clip_min float? Pixels with brightness below this percentile are set to zero. Defaults to 0.

  • clip_max float? Pixels with brightness above this percentile are set to one. Defaults to 99.9. Note: if both clip_min and clip_max are set to 0, the step will be skipped.

  • register_aux_view string? The name of the auxiliary view to be used for image registration. If not provided, no registration will happen.

  • channels_per_reg int? The number of images associated with each channel in the registration image. Defaults to 1. only needed when running this step individually, calculated automatically as a part of the pipeline.

  • background_view string? The name of the auxiliary view to be used for background subtraction. Background will be estimated if not provided.

  • anchor_view string? The name of the auxiliary view to be processed in parallel with primary view, such as for anchor round in ISS processing. Will not be included if not provided.

  • high_sigma int? Sigma value for high pass gaussian filter. Will not be run if not provided.

  • deconvolve_iter int? Number of iterations to perform for deconvolution. High values remove more noise while lower values remove less. The value 15 will work for most datasets unless image is very noisy. Will not be run if not provided.

  • deconvolve_sigma int? Sigma value for deconvolution. Should be approximately the expected spot size. Must be provided if deconvolve_iter is provided.

  • low_sigma int? Sigma value for low pass gaussian filter. Will not be run if not provided.

  • rolling_radius int? Radius for rolling ball background subtraction. Larger values lead to increased intensity evening effect. The value of 3 will work for most datasets. Will not be run if not provided.

  • match_histogram boolean? If true, histograms will be equalized. Defaults to false.

  • tophat_radius int? Radius for white top hat filter. Should be slightly larger than the expected spot radius. Will not be run if not provided.

Image Decoding

The following are used in starfishRunner.cwl, which is effectively a wrapper for the starfish spot detection/decoding methods.

  • use_reference_image boolean? If true, a max projection image will be generated and used as a reference for decoding.
  • anchor_view string? The name of the auxiliary view to be used as a reference view, such as for anchor round in ISS processing. Will not be included if not provided.
  • is_volume boolean? Whether to treat zplanes as a 3D image. Defaults to False.
  • rescale boolean? Whether to iteratively rescale image intensity before running the decoder. Can be run with any decoder, but requires that a valid set of parameters are provided to decoding_pixel.
  • not_filtered_results boolean? If true, will not remove genes that do not match a target and do not meet criteria. Defaults to false.
  • Blob-based Decoding decoding Will run decoding in two steps, blob detection followed by decoding.
    • min_sigma float[]? Minimum sigma tuple to be passed to blob detector. Defaults to (0.5, 0.5, 0.5).
    • max_sigma float[]? Maximum sigma tuple to be passed to blob detector. Defaults to (8, 8, 8).
    • num_sigma int? Number of sigma values to be tested. Defaults to 10.
    • threshold float? Threshold of likeliness for a spot to be valid. Defaults to 0.1.
    • overlap float? Amount of overlap allowed between blob. Defaults to 0.5.
    • detector_method string? The name of the sciki-image spot detection method to use. Valid options are blob_dog, blob_doh, and blob_log (default).
    • composite_decode boolean? Whether to composite all FOVs into one image, typically for PoSTcode decoding.
    • composite_pmin float? pmin value for clip and scale of composite image.
    • composite_pmax float? pmax value for clip and scale of composite image.
    • decode_method string? Method name for spot decoding. Valid options and corresponding required parameters are listed below.
    • decoder
      • SimpleLookupDecoder Does not have any further parameters.
      • postcodeDecode Does not have any further parameters.
      • MetricDistance
        • trace_building_strategy string Which tracing strategy to use. Valid options are SEQUENTIAL, EXACT_MATCH, NEAREST_NEIGHBOR.
        • max_distance float Spots greater than this distance from their nearest target are not decoded.
        • min_intensity float Spots dimmer than this intensity are not decoded.
        • metric string? Can be any metric that satisfies the triangle inequality that is implemented by scipy.spatial.distance. Defaults to euclidean.
        • norm_order int? the norm to use to normalize the magnitudes of spots and codes. Defaults to 2, the L2 norm.
        • anchor_round int? Round to use as “anchor” for comparison. Optional.
        • search_radius int? Distance to search for matching spots, only if trace_building_strategy is set to NEAREST_NEIGHBOR. Optional.
        • return_original_intensities boolean? Return original intensities instead of normalized ones. Defaults to False.
      • PerRoundMaxChannel
        • trace_building_strategy string Which tracing strategy to use. Valid options are SEQUENTIAL, EXACT_MATCH, NEAREST_NEIGHBOR.
        • anchor_round int? Round to use as “anchor” for comparison. Optional.
        • search_radius int? Distance to search for matching spots, only if trace_building_strategy is set to NEAREST_NEIGHBOR. Optional.
      • CheckAll
        • search_radius int? Distance to search for matching spots. Defaults to 3.
        • error_rounds int Maximum hamming distance a barcode can be from its target and still be uniquely identified. Defaults to 0.
        • mode string? Accuracy mode to run in. Can be 'high', 'med', or 'low'. Defaults to 'med'.
        • physical_coords boolean? Whether to use physical coordinates or pixel coordinates. Defaults to False.
  • Pixel-based Decoding decoding Will run decoding in one step using the PixelSpotDecoder
    • metric string? The sklearn metric to pass to NearestNeighbors. Defaults to 'euclidean'.
    • distance_threshold float Spots whose codewords are more than this metric distance from an expected code are filtered.
    • magnitude_threshold float Spots with less than this intensity value are filtered.
    • min_area int? Spots with total area less than this value are filtered. Defaults to 2.
    • max_area int? Spots with total area greater than this value are filtered. Defaults to np.inf
    • norm_order int? Order of L_p norm to apply to intensities and codes when using metric_decode to pair each intensity to its closest target. Defaults to 2.


Used by cellpose.cwl or segmentation.cwl. Results from this step will be run through Baysor if run_baysor is set to True. Note that Baysor will only run on 2D data.

Depending on pre-existing segmentation data, one of five methods can be used. If a cellpose custom model, roi_set, or labeled images are to be used, those must be provided as file inputs and binary_mask should be provided as binary_mask: {}

  • Cellpose segmentation
    • use_mrna boolean? If true, decoded transcripts will be incorporated into segmentation.
    • use_gpu boolean? If true, GPU will be used for computation instead of CPU.
    • pretrained_model_str string? One of the pretrained models for cellpose. This model or a custom model must be provided. Valid options are cyto, nuclei, tissuenet, livecell, cyto2, general, CP, CPx, TN1, TN2, TN3, LC1, LC2, LC3, LC4.
    • diameter float? Expected diameter of cells. Only needs to be provided if a pre-trained model is used.
    • flow_threshold float? Threshold for filtering cell segmentations (increasing this will filter out lower confidence segmentations). Range is 0 to infinity.
    • stitch_threshold float? Threshold for stiching together segmentations that occur at the same xy location but in adjacent z slices, fange is 0 to 1. This should only be used when the image is 3D.
    • cellprob_threshold float? Determins the extent of the segmentations (0 is the default more negative values resulting in larger cells, more positive values result in smaller cells), range is -6 to 6.
    • border_buffer int? If not None, removes cytoplasms whose nuclei lie within the given distance of the FOV border.
    • label_exp_size int? Pixel size labels are dilated by this much in the final step. Helpful for closing small holes that are common from thresholding but can also cause cell boundaries to exceed their true boundaries if set too high. Label dilation respects label borders and does not mix labels.
    • min_allowed_size int? Minimum size for a cell (in pixels).
    • max_allowed_size int? Maximum size for a cell (in pixels).
  • Any other segmentation including imported external masks
    • aux_name string? The name of the aux view to look at for segmentation. May not required depending on binary_mask settings.
    • binary_mask
      • Threshold and watershed segmentation (no provided data)
        • img_threshold float Global threshold value for images.
        • min_dist int Minimum distance (in pixels) between transformed peaks in watershedding.
        • min_allowed_size int Minimum size for a cell (in pixels).
        • max_allowed_size int Maximum allowed size for a cell (in pixels).
        • masking_radius int Radius for white tophat noise filter.
      • Transcript-density based segmentation (provided transcript data)
        • nuclei_view string Name of the auxillary view with nuclei data
        • cyto_seg boolean If true, the cytoplasm will be segmented.
        • correct_seg boolean If true, suspected nuclei/cytoplasms that overlap will be removed.
        • border_buffer int If not zero, removes cytoplasms whose nuclei lie within the given distance from the border.
        • area_thresh float Threshold used when determining if an object is one nucleus or two or more overlapping nuclei. Objects whose ratio of convex hull area to normal area are above this threshold are removed if the option to remove overlapping nuclei is set.
        • thesh_block_size int Size of structuring element for local thresholding of nuclei. If nuclei interiors aren't passing threshold, increase this value, if too much non-nuclei is passing threshold, lower it.
        • watershed_footprint_size int Size of structuring element for watershed segmentation. Larger values will segment the nuclei into larger objects and smaller values will result in smaller objects. Adjust according to nucleus size.
        • label_exp_size int Pixel size labels are dilated by in final step. Helpful for closing small holes that are common from thresholding but can also cause cell boundaries to exceed their true boundaries if set too high. Label dilation respects label borders and does not mix labels.


  • find_ripley boolean? If true, Ripley's Spatial Statistic will be run on spot data. Defaults to False.
  • save_pdf boolean? If true, all QC metrics will save plots to pdf. If false, only yml output will be provided. Defaults to True. Note: Some values from earlier stages are optionally read in to provide select metrics. If not using singular json file as input, refer to input_schemas/qc.json for values that can be passed for more precise results.


If the pipeline encounters a fatal error, the final status from cwltool will be displayed as permanentFail. Full text describing the error can be found in one of two places:

  1. It will be in stdout of cwltool if the error was due to invalid input parameters or the error occurred early in the script for that stage.

    Because stdout can be very long, it is recommended to capture output with tee when troubleshooting. As cwltool does not respect the difference between stdout and stderror, this should be invoked as cwltool [parameters and inputs] 2>&1 | tee output.log.

    The error text will be immediately before the first occurence of permanentFail.

  2. It will be in the output folder of the last pipeline stage, named something like [timestamp]_[stagename].log. This occurs if there was an error during the PIPEFISH python scripts.

    The error text will be the last line in the file.

Common Errors

PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'tmp'

This is usually due to using Docker Desktop as the Docker Engine. To avoid this issue, use the --no-match-user flag when running cwltool.

Out of Disk Space

  • If a larger drive is available on the computer running PIPEFISH, alternate locations for intermediate and final files can be specified with --tmpdir-prefix and --tmp-outdir-prefix, respectively.
  • If there is enough space for 2_tx_converted but not all the subsequent steps, the selected_fovs parameter can be used to batch process parts of the dataset independently. Retain the files in 4_Decoded and 5_Segmented and discard 3_Processed to save the most space while retaining data relevant to final output.
  • If Docker Desktop is being used, more storage space can be allocated in the dashboard GUI under Settings > Resources > Advanced.

Out of Memory

This is most likely to occur during the decoding step, particularly when using the CheckAll decoder. There is not much that can be done to reduce memory footprint if this is the most suitable decoding method, outside dividing the FOVs to be smaller prior to using PIPEFISH.

If Docker Desktop is being used, more memory can be allocated in the dashborad GUI under Settings > Resources > Advanced.


Code in this repository is formatted with black and isort, and this is checked via Travis CI.

Currently, development is performed on the master branch, for the latest stable release use the release branch.

A pre-commit hook configuration is provided, which runs black and isort before committing. Run pre-commit install in each clone of this repository which you will use for development (after pip install pre-commit into an appropriate Python environment, if necessary).

Building Docker images

Run build_docker_images in the root of the repository, assuming you have an up-to-date installation of the Python multi-docker-build package.

Release process

The master branch is intended to be production-ready at all times, and should always reference Docker containers with the latest tag.

Publication of tagged "release" versions of the pipeline is handled with the HuBMAP pipeline release management Python package. To release a new pipeline version, ensure that the master branch contains all commits that you want to include in the release, then run

tag_release_pipeline v0.whatever

See the pipeline release management script usage notes for additional options, such as GPG signing.


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  • Python 58.0%
  • Common Workflow Language 41.1%
  • Other 0.9%