My dotfiles are managed with GNU stow.
- Clone the repository, including submodules 4 at a time
git clone --recurse-submodules -j4 [email protected]:nickpwhite/.dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
cd .dotfiles
- Install only bash's dotfiles, for example, with
stow bash
- Install terminal-only dotfiles with
stow $(ls -d */ | grep -v ^x-)
- Install all dotfiles with
stow $(ls -d */)
When opening nvim, run :PlugUpdate
in order to install plugins.
- Change into the
directory git pull
- Update all dotfiles with
stow -R $(ls -d */)
- Update only bash's dotfiles, for example, with
stow -R bash
- Change into the
directory - Remove all dotfiles with
stow -D $(ls -d */)
- Remove only bash's dotfiles, for example, with
stow -D bash