Docker Image for EGSnrc
$ docker build -t "egsnrc_image"
$ docker run -it egsnrc_image
$ docker run -it nicornk/egsnrc_docker
$ # to test egsnrc, runs this after container start:
$ tutor7pp -i test1 -p /root/EGSnrc/HEN_HOUSE/pegs4/data/tutor_data.pegs4dat
To enable X11 support for this docker image on OS X, follow these steps (homebrew required, adapted from this link).
$ brew install socat
$ brew cask install xquartz
$ open -a XQuartz
In the Quartz shell execute echo $DISPLAY
. Copy the output. Open a new shell and run the following commands:
$ DISPLAY=<#VALUE_FROM_above e.g. /private/tmp/.../$ org.macosforge.xquartz:0>
$ export DISPLAY
$ socat TCP-LISTEN:6000,reuseaddr,fork UNIX-CLIENT:\"$DISPLAY\"
Keep this shell open. Open a new shell window and run ifconfig
, copy the ip address of vboxnet0
Now you can start the container, replace placeholder with ip address.
$ docker run -it -e DISPLAY=<IP_ADDRESS>:0 nicornk/egsnrc_docker
$ # start egs_gui in container:
$ $HEN_HOUSE/bin/egs_gui
$ # start egs_inprz
$ $HEN_HOUSE/bin/egs_inprz