v7.0 (pre-release 2)
PHP Monitor 7.0 introduces extension management (via "Manage PHP Extensions..." in the main menu). This is a pre-release version, available to the public. Please file a bug report if you bump into an issue!
How to install or upgrade
This pre-release build is only available on the DEV channel. The regular version of PHP Monitor won't be upgraded to v7 until a stable build is available. To download this build, click here.
What's New
- "PHP Version Manager..." is now listed as "Manage PHP Versions...".
- Added the PHP Extension Manager (accessible via "Manage PHP Extensions...") which allows you to manage PHP extensions for any of the usable PHP versions.
- You can filter extensions with the search field, and switch between which PHP version you'd like to manage extensions.
- You can now install and remove extensions and their dependencies with one click. These operations are managed by Homebrew, and may install other dependencies.
- You can now choose a custom display language for PHP Monitor via Settings. (You will need to restart the app to make sure all translations are correctly loaded, but you can preview this change by checking the main menu, which will always be correctly translated.)
- It is now possible to toggle specific extensions on a per PHP version basis via the Domains list. To toggle an extension, right-click on a site that is currently using a different PHP version. You will then be toggling extensions for that version of PHP.
- When the app boots, the integrity of the PHP symlinks are checked to ensure that all symlinks correctly link to the correct PHP version. If any links to an incorrect PHP version, then those outdated or incorrect symlinks will be removed, which avoids a variety of issues with PHP Monitor and Homebrew.
Notes: There are some restrictions related to managing extensions. You cannot remove extensions that are dependencies of other extensions (without removing the dependent first), and you cannot manage external extensions, i.e. extensions that were installed via