合并 fix vuepress-plugin-mathjax can not support '\begin{aligned}' problem
- 支持 '\begin{aligned}' 语法
- 升级mathjax-full版本
markdown :
Euler's identity $e^{i\pi}+1=0$ is a beautiful formula in $\mathbb{R}^2$.
$dt, \mathrm{d}t, \partial t, \nabla\psi$
假设 $y >= 0$ , 而 $[\log x]$ 表示 $\log x$ 的整数部分, 设:
$$\Phi (y) = \frac {1} {2 \pi i} \int_{2 - i \infty}^{2 + i \infty} \frac {y^{\omega} \mathrm{d} \omega} {\omega \left(1 + \frac {\omega} {(\log x)^{1.1}}\right)^{[ \log x ] + 1}}, x > 1$$
显见, 当 $0 <= y <= 1$ 时, 有 $\Phi(y) = 0$. 对于所有 $y >= 0$, 则 $\Phi(y)$ 是一个非减函数.
当 $\log x>= 10^4$ 及 $y>= e^{2{(\log x)}^{-0.1}}$ 时, 则有:
$$1 - x^{- 0.1} <= \Phi (y) <= 1$$
x & y \\
z & v\end{matrix}$
3x + 5y + z \\
7x - 2y + 4z \\
-6x + 3y + 2z
f(x) & = (a-b)^2 \\
& = a^2-2ab+b^2
npm i vuepress-plugin-mathjax-nilnon
# OR
yarn add vuepress-plugin-mathjax-nilnon
- type:
'svg' | 'chtml'
- default:
The output of MathJax.
- type:
string | string[]
- default: all the MathJax packages available
The MathJax packages to use.
- type:
{ [key: string]: string | null }
- default:
Macros will be automatically mixed with built-in macros. To disable a built-in macro, simply set the value to null
accordingly. Here is a list of all built-in macros:
- type:
string | string[]
- default:
The preset content to be added. The preset content will automatically be inserted before the TeX code.
- type:
- default:
process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'
Whether to output an error message in the console when a compilation error is encountered.
- type:
false | object
- default:
LRU Cache Options. If set to false
, no cache will be used.
Contribution Welcome!