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nimf edited this page Jun 20, 2012 · 1 revision


Source and destination numbers` format is <number>.<TON>.<NPI> TON is (type of number) and NPI is (numbering plan identification)

TABLE inbox -- for received SMS

  • id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT -- received SMS ID
  • src varchar(20) NOT NULL -- source number
  • dst varchar(20) NOT NULL -- destination number
  • msg varchar(2048) NOT NULL -- message body
  • ts int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' -- unix timestamp of receiving SMS
  • mt tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' -- message type (0 - SMS, 4 - delivery report)

TABLE archive -- for received and processed SMS

  • id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' -- received SMS ID
  • src varchar(20) NOT NULL -- source number
  • dst varchar(20) NOT NULL -- destination number
  • msg varchar(2048) NOT NULL -- message body
  • ts int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' -- unix timestamp of receiving SMS
  • mt tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' -- message type (0 - SMS, 4 - delivery report)
  • proc_ts int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' -- unix timestamp of processing this SMS by some service
  • resp_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' -- ID of response SMS, created by service. If any
  • srv_id tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' -- ID of the service, which processed this SMS
  • rslt tinyint(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' -- ID of processing result

TABLE outbox -- for sending SMS

  • id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT -- sent SMS ID
  • rel_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' -- related SMS (i. e. if it is a response to some received SMS). If any
  • src varchar(20) NOT NULL -- source number
  • dst varchar(20) NOT NULL -- destination number
  • msg varchar(2048) NOT NULL -- message body
  • ts int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' -- unix timestamp of putting this SMS into outbox
  • rd tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' -- request delivery (0 - no, 1 - yes)
  • try_ts int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' -- unix timestamp of last sending attempt

TABLE sent -- for sent SMS

  • id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' -- sent SMS ID
  • rel_id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' -- related SMS (i. e. if it is a response to some received SMS). If any
  • src varchar(20) NOT NULL -- source number
  • dst varchar(20) NOT NULL -- destination number
  • msg varchar(2048) NOT NULL -- message body
  • ts int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' -- unix timestamp of putting this SMS into outbox
  • rd tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' -- request delivery (0 - no, 1 - yes)
  • snt_ts int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' -- unix timestamp of sending SMS
  • msg_id varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '' -- message ID from SMSC
  • dl_ts int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL -- unix timestamp of SMS delivery (from delivery report)
  • dl_stat tinyint(3) unsigned DEFAULT NULL -- delivery status

TABLE parts -- for received SMS parts

  • src char(20) NOT NULL -- source number
  • dst char(20) NOT NULL -- destination number
  • msg char(255) NOT NULL -- message part body
  • ts int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' -- unix timestamp of receiving this part
  • ref smallint(6) unsigned NOT NULL -- reference (for identifying parts of SMS)
  • pn tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL -- part number
  • tp tinyint(4) unsigned NOT NULL -- total parts count

TABLE service -- for service catalog. Optional

  • id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL -- service ID (you define)
  • name char(255) NOT NULL -- service name
  • exported_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL -- for data extractions. optional

TABLE rslts -- for service results. Optional

  • srv_id int(11) unsigned NOT NULL -- service ID
  • code tinyint(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' -- numeric result code (you define)
  • dsc char(255) NOT NULL -- description

TABLE stats -- for statistics purposes

  • ts int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' -- unix timestamp
  • rec int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' -- received SMS count
  • sent int(11) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' -- sent SMS count

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