Install Apache Cordova and the Android SDK on a Linux machine as explained here
Make sure the following installed properly with appropriate versions
node - v10.1.0
npm - 5.6.0
cordova - 7.1.0
Clone the repo.
Run the following commands
cd public npm install cp -r src/ www/
Run the setup commands
grunt setup-android
Build and run the debugging app as follows:
grunt build-android
- While doing this you might face some issues like:
You have not accepted the license agreements of the following SDK components:
[Android SDK Platform 26]
- Solution: Go to ~/Library/Android/sdk/tools/bin or wherever your sdkmanager executable is present and run this:
./sdkmanager --update
and it will ask you to accept the license agreement. If this doesn't work for you, please install required packages by running command:cd ~/Library/Android/sdk/tools && ./android
(change the location is required) and after this repeat above command.
- Solution: Go to ~/Library/Android/sdk/tools/bin or wherever your sdkmanager executable is present and run this:
com.android.dex.DexException: Multiple dex files define Lorg/apache/cordova/PermissionHelper;
- Solution: Please try the solutions mentioned here one by one: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46562289/multiple-dex-files-define-lorg-apache-cordova-buildhelper
If after building the apk, it fails at the installation step
- Solution: Keep checking for any prompts or alerts on your USB connected device and delete the already installed app.
- While doing this you might face some issues like: