Given n points on a 2D plane, find the distance between the closest pair of points.
The Closest Pair of Points Problem
Given n points on a 2D plane, find the distance between the closest pair of points.
Naive (Brute-Force) Approach:
The naive solution can be implemented in just a few lines, by finding the distance between all pairs of points and returning the distance between the closest pair. This approach requires O(n^2) time.
Recursive Divide-and-Conquer Approach The problem can be solved in O(nlogn) time using the following recursive divide and conquer approach:
- Sort the points in ascending order by their x-coordinates.
- Split the list of points into two equal-sized halves. This is like drawing a vertical line through the plane to divide the points into a left-hand-side and right-hand-side, each containing an equal number of points.
- Solve the problem recursively on the left and right halves.
- Find the distance between the closest pair of points where one point lies on the left-hand-side, and the other point lies on the right-hand-side. This can be done in linear time.
- The final answer is the minimum among the:
- Distance between the closest pair of points on the left-hand side.
- Distance between the closest pair of points on the right-hand side.
- Distance between the closest pair of points where one point is on the left-hand-side and the other point is on the right-hand side.
Assignment Structure:
First, let us go over the files provided in the starter code:
, which you will notice contains a new flag, -fsanitize=signed-integer-overflow, as well as the -lm flag required for the math library.
contains the logic to:
1. Parse command-line arguments
2. Either generate points or read them from a file
3. Optionally save generated points to a file
4. Sort the points with qsort()
5. Call both the single-process and multi-process implementations to find the distance between the closest pair of points
6. Measure the time taken by both the single-process and multi-process implementations
contains a test case to test the correctness of your implementation. You may use this as a skeleton to add additional test cases.
, closest_brute.h
, closest_serial.h
, and closest_parallel.h
declare all the functions that you will implement.
, closest_brute.c
, closest_serial.c
, and closest_parallel.c
are where your implementations will go.