A Contact Management application built with a C# .NET Core backend and a React frontend. This app allows users to add, edit, view, and delete contacts, providing an intuitive interface and smooth user experience.
- C# .NET Core Web API for RESTful CRUD operations
- Entity Framework Core for ORM and database interactions
- LINQ for efficient querying
- Exception handling for robust error management
- Tuples for returning multiple values
- Dictionary for key-value pair storage
- React with TypeScript for type-safe, scalable development
- Material-UI for modern, responsive UI components
- CSS for custom styling and layout
- HTML (TSX) for dynamic rendering
Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/username/contact-manager.git
Navigate to the backend directory
cd contact-manager/backend
Restore packages
dotnet restore
Migrate Database Tables
dotnet ef migrations add MigrationName dotnet ef database update
Run the backend
dotnet run --urls "http://localhost:5000"
Navigate to the frontend directory
cd contact-manager/frontend
Install dependencies
npm install
Run the frontend
npm start