my neovim config ported from NvChad
this port has a lot of features such as:
- cmp for code and the cmdline,
- debuggers (nvim-dap) for python (tested), c/c++ (not tested; fairly new addition), and rust (not tested; fairly new addition)
- vs-code type minimap
- breadcrumbs (nvim-navbuddy, nvim-navic, barbecue)
- lsp configs
- go to the nvim config folder and go to the 'lua/custom' folder
- go into 'plugins.lua'
- scroll down to add any new plugins you like!
- go back to the 'lua' folder and go to the 'plugins' folder.
- go into the 'configs' folder
- make a new '.lua' file for your plugins and add whatever configs you like. it's already in the init.lua, so you don't need to worry about that!