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Node template

This is a template project made for your needs!
Fork me and save a ton of time on boilerplate and environment bootstrapping!

Meant to be used by projects running node.js

Fork Me!

What's included?

  • Typescript
  • Configuration
  • Linting with eslint and prettier
  • Unit tests
  • Logs with winston
  • Git pre-commit and pre-push hooks
  • Hot reloading

What do I need to do to use this piece of heaven?

Just fork this project into another one, change the relevant fields (everything in <this-format>) in package.json and package-lock.json and you're good to go!

The Scripts

The ones you'll use
  • dev:once run in development mode
  • test run unit test

You can use dev:watch or test:watch for hot reloading.

The heroes that run in the background
  • build compile code to javascript
  • start run in production mode (NODE_ENV needs to be set)
  • lint lint code files

To run in production mode just set NODE_ENV to your desired environment then run npm run build && npm start.

Have fun!

This is a very powerful toll, however it is reasonable it won't satisfy every single one of your needs.
I highly recommend forking this repository and editing it's settings or adding more instead of creating a new project from scratch.


Q - How should I name my test files?
A - some-name.spec.ts

Q - What if I want to add a test directory instead of having my test files next to the code files?
A - Edit jest.config.js roots field, nodemon.json watch field and tsconfig.production.json exclude field accordingly.

Q - Do I really need to go over all the fields in package-lock.json?
A - No, just change the name field in line 2

Q - How do I change the pre commit and pre push git hooks?
A - Change the pre-commit and pre-push scripts in package.json


Template for Node.js projects






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