- OS: Linux and Mac OS, Windows is on the road!
Using go proxy
go env -w GOPROXY="https://goproxy.cn,direct"
Local development
go env -w GOPRIVATE="gitlab.com.cn" ##Optional command,for faster pull dependency locally
With [Go module][] support (Go 1.11+), simply add the following import
import "github.com/no-mole/neptune"
To your code, and then go [build|run|test]
will automatically fetch the
necessary dependencies.
Otherwise, to install the neptune
package or using neptune
cli, run the following command:
$ go install github.com/no-mole/neptune@latest
$ neptune help
How to generate proto files in different languages
choose your programming language install protoc 3.20.1
install protoc-gen-go-grpc
go install google.golang.org/grpc/cmd/[email protected]
install protoc-gen-go
go install google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/[email protected]
generate grpc file
neptune proto-gen -l golang -i /project/protos protos/xxx.proto
-l Specifies the programming language, currently supported golang, java, python, php; Default golang
-i Specify the directory above the proto file; like --proto_path=
Neptune abstracts away the details of distributed systems. Here are the main features.
Dynamic Config - Load and hot reload dynamic config from anywhere. The config interface provides a way to load application level config from any source such as env vars, file, etcd. You can merge the sources and even define fallbacks.
Data Storage - A simple data store interface to read, write and delete records.
Service Discovery - Automatic service registration and name resolution. Service discovery is at the core of micro service development. When service A needs to speak to service B it needs the location of that service. The default discovery mechanism is ETCD.
Load Balancing - Client side load balancing built on service discovery. Once we have the addresses of any number of instances of a service we now need a way to decide which node to route to. We use random hashed load balancing to provide even distribution across the services and retry a different node if there's a problem.
RPC Client/Server - RPC based request/response with support for bidirectional streaming. We provide an abstraction for synchronous communication. A request made to a service will be automatically resolved, load balanced, dialled and streamed.
Tracing - Link tracing is an integral part of a distributed system that is optimized and analyzed by recording call levels and time-consuming.
Logging - logs can record important events as monitoring. neptune supports sending logs to files, stdout, or sending logs to the log center through grpc/udp protocol.
Caching - Use gin middleware to support automatic cache control of GET requests.
Databases&Queues - Gorm(postgreSQL/MySQL/Clickhouse)、ES、Mongo、Redis、RabbitMQ、Kafka.