Hera Cosmetics is a fully-functional e-commerce website built using React library. The website utilizes the power of makeupAPI to gather a wide range of cosmetic products and provide users with a seamless browsing experience. The data management of the website is handled by Redux Toolkit, ensuring efficient data flow throughout the application. The website is designed to be fully responsive, providing optimal viewing experience on multiple devices. The styling of the website is done using Material UI, giving the website a modern and elegant look.
- Showcases the services and products that the website offers.
- Allows users to browse through different categories of cosmetics.
- The categories are divided into three main areas of usage: face, lips, and eyes.
- Users can also browse through the "Discover" section to see products from a particular brand.
- Features 8 different cosmetic brands from Makeup API.
- Includes a "Bestsellers" section where all products have a minimum rating of 4.0.
- Provides detailed information about a particular cosmetic when clicked on.
- Includes a search function for improved user usability.
- Allows users to add items to a cart and manipulate the quantity as desired.
- Users can also clear their entire cart if desired.
- Products inside the carts are also stored on browser's local storage so refreshing won't interrupt the cart
- Note: checkout is not implemented.
- CSS3
- Makeup API
- Fast delivery - Free license svg icon from Vecteezy by Muttaki Al Muhtadi
- Quality Assurance - Free license svg icon from Vecteezy by armagadon
- Easy Return - Free license svg icon from Vecteezy by keen1220
- Secure Payment - Free license svg icon from Vecteezy by myurapoo338339
- Empty Cart - Free Icon from Flaticon
- Payment Logo - seeklogo.com
- Carousel from Material-UI-Carousel
- Card Animation from Material-UI-Transistions
- Toast Message from React-Toastify