Walkthroughs of all of the picoCTF 2022 challenges. You can still access these challenges in picoGym.
- Includes
- Inspect HTML
- Local Authority
- Search Source
- Forbidden Paths
- Power Cookie
- Roboto Sans
- Secrets
- SQL Direct
- Live Art (not done)
- noted (not done)
- basic-mod1
- basic-mod2
- credstuff
- morse-code
- rail-fence
- substitution0
- substitution1
- substitution2
- transposition-trial
- Vigenere
- Very Smooth (not done)
- Sequences (not done)
- Sum-O-Primes (not done)
- NSA Backdoor (not done)
- file-run1
- file-run2
- GDB Test Drive
- patchme.py
- Safe Opener
- unpackme.py
- bloat.py
- Fresh Java
- Bbbbloat (not done)
- unpackme (not done)
- Keygenme (not done)
- Wizardlike (not done)
- Enhance!
- File Types
- Lookey Here
- Packets Primer
- Redaction Gone Wrong
- Sleuthkit Intro
- Sleuthkit Apprentice
- Eavesdrop
- Operation Oni
- St3g0
- Operation Orchid
- SideChannel
- Torrent Analyze
- basic-file-exploit (not done)
- buffer overflow 0 (not done)
- buffer overflow 1 (not done)
- RPS (not done)
- x-sixty-what (not done)
- buffer overflow 2 (not done)
- flag leak (not done)
- ropfu (not done)
- wine (not done)
- function overwrite (not done)
- stack cache (not done)
- solfire (not done)