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nobuyuki83 committed Jul 1, 2024
1 parent 905e92c commit f18a673
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion .gitignore
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15 changes: 8 additions & 7 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -55,8 +55,8 @@ Topics:
|(8)<br>June 3| **Character animation**<br> Linear blend skinning | [task07](task07) | [[21]]( |
|(9)<br>June 10| Guest lecture by Dr. Rex West | | |
|(10)<br>June 17| **Character animation2** <br> Inverse kinematic | [task08](task08) | [[20]]( |
|(11)<br>June 24| **Optimization** | | |
|(12)<br>July 12| **Laplacian mesh deformation**<br> | task09 | |
|(11)<br>June 24| **Optimization**<br> Newton-Raphson method, gradient descent | | [[22]]( |
|(12)<br>July 1| **Laplacian mesh deformation**<br> Sparse linear system | [task09](task09) | [[23]]( [[24]]( |
|(13)<br>July 8| **Grid-based Fluid**<br> Poisson equation, Stam fluid | | |

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ Look at the following document.
| [task05](task05) | **Fragment shader practice**<br>Ray marching method, CSG modeling, implicit modeling | <img src="task05/preview.png" width=100px> |
| [task06](task06) | **Monte Carlo integration1**<br>Ambient occlusion, importance sampling, BVH | <img src="task06/preview.png" width=100px> |
| [task07](task07) | **Monte Carlo integration2**<br/>Multiple importance sampling | <img src="task07/preview.png" width=100px> |
| task08 | **Skeletal Character Animation**<br>Linear blend skinning, articulated rigid body | <img src="task08/preview.png" width=100px> |
| task09 | TBD | |
| [task08](task08) | **Skeletal Character Animation**<br>Linear blend skinning, articulated rigid body | <img src="task08/preview.png" width=100px> |
| [task09](task09) | **Laplacian Mesh Deformation**<br> Quadratic programming, sparse linear system | <img src="task09/preview.png" width=100px> |

### Policy

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -136,9 +136,10 @@ Look at the following document.

- [[19]Ray Triangle Collision](
- [[20]Character deformation](
- [[21]Jacobian&Hessian](

- [[21] Jacobian&Hessian](
- [[22] Optimization](
- [[23] Mesh laplacian](
- [[24] Sparse linear system](

Expand Down
110 changes: 110 additions & 0 deletions task09/
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# Task09: Laplacian Mesh Deformation (Quadratic Programming, Sparse Matrix)


**Deadline: July 4th (Thu) at 15:00pm**


## Before Doing Assignment

### Install Python (if necessary)
We use Python for this assignment.
This assigment only supports Python ver. 3.

To check if Python 3.x is installed, launch a command prompt and type `python3 --version` and see the version.

For MacOS and Ubuntu you have Python installed by default.
For Windows, you may need to install the Python by yourself.
[This document]( show how to install Python 3.x on Windows.

### Virtual environment

We want to install dependency ***locally*** for this assignment.

cd acg-<username>
python3 -m venv venv # make a virtual environment named "venv"

Then, start the virtual environment.
For Mac or Linux, type

source venv/bin/activate # start virtual environment

For Windows, type

venv\Scripts\activate.bat # start virtual environment

In the command prompt, you will see `(venv)` at the beginning of each line.
There will be `venv` folder under `acg-<username>`.

### Install dependency

In this assignment we use many external library. We use `pip` to install these.

pip3 install numpy
pip3 install moderngl
pip3 install moderngl_window
pip3 install scipy

Alternatively, you can install above dependency at once by

cd acg-<username>/task09
pip3 install -r requirements.txt

type `pip3 list` and then confirm you have libraries such as `moderngl`, `numpy`, `pillow`, `pyglet`, `pyrr`, `scipy` etc.

### Make branch

Follow [this document](../doc/ to submit the assignment, In a nutshell, before doing the assignment,
- make sure you synchronized the `main ` branch of your local repository to that of remote repository.
- make sure you created branch `task09` from `main` branch.
- make sure you are currently in the `task09` branch (use `git branch -a` command).

Now you are ready to go!


## Problem 1 (Python execution practice)

Run the code with `python3`

The program will output `out.png`. Rename it to `out_default.png` then it replaces the image below.


## Problem 2 (smooth deformation with Laplacian)

Write a few lines of code around line #134 to implement smooth mesh deformation using Laplacian.

The program will output `output.png`. Rename it to `out_laplacian.png` then it replaces the image below.


## Problem 3 (even smoother deformation with Bi-Laplacian)

Write a few lines of code around line #134 to implement smooth mesh deformation using BiLaplacian.

The program will output `out.png`. Rename it to `out_bilaplacian.png` then it replaces the image below.


## After Doing the Assignment

After modify the code, push the code and submit a pull request. Make sure your pull request only contains the files you edited. Good luck!

BTW, You can exit the virtual environment by typing `deactivate` in the command prompt.

210 changes: 210 additions & 0 deletions task09/
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import os
import math

import numpy
import pyrr
import numpy as np
import moderngl
import moderngl_window as mglw
from PIL import Image, ImageOps
from scipy import sparse
from scipy.sparse.linalg import spsolve
import util_for_task09

def matrix_graph_laplacian(tri2vtx, num_vtx):
function to make graph laplacian matrix
:param tri2vtx: index of vertex for triangles
:param num_vtx: number of vertex
:return: sparse matrix using scipy.sparse
tri2ones = np.ones((tri2vtx.shape[0],))
W = np.empty(0, np.float32)
I = np.empty(0, np.uint32)
J = np.empty(0, np.uint32)
for (i, j) in ((0, 0), (0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0), (2, 1), (2, 2)):
tri2vi = tri2vtx[:, i]
tri2vj = tri2vtx[:, j]
if i == j:
coeff = 1.
coeff = -0.5
W = np.append(W, tri2ones * coeff)
I = np.append(I, tri2vi)
J = np.append(J, tri2vj)
return sparse.csr_matrix((W, (I, J)), shape=(num_vtx, num_vtx))

class HelloWorld(mglw.WindowConfig):
Window to show the mesh deformation
gl_version = (3, 3)
title = "task09: laplacian mesh deformation"
window_size = (500, 500)
aspect_ratio = float(window_size[0]) / float(window_size[1])
resizable = False

def __init__(self, **kwargs):
self.is_screenshot_taken = False

# initialize mesh
asset_path = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(__file__, '../../asset/bunny.obj'))
self.tri2vtx, self.vtx2xyz_ini = util_for_task09.load_triangle_mesh_from_wavefront_obj_file(asset_path)
self.vtx2xyz_def = self.vtx2xyz_ini.copy()

# make a list for fixed vertices
self.fixbase2vtx = (self.vtx2xyz_ini[:, 2] < -0.48).nonzero()[0].tolist()
self.fixear2vtx = (self.vtx2xyz_ini[:, 2] > +0.48).nonzero()[0].tolist()
self.fixback2vtx = (np.logical_and(
self.vtx2xyz_ini[:, 0] > +0.15,
self.vtx2xyz_ini[:, 2] > +0.115)).nonzero()[0].tolist()

# make laplacian, bi-laplacian matrices
num_vtx = self.vtx2xyz_ini.shape[0]
self.matrix_laplace = matrix_graph_laplacian(self.tri2vtx, num_vtx)
self.matrix_bilaplace = self.matrix_laplace * self.matrix_laplace

# make matrix for fixed points
coeff_penalty = 100.0
fix2vtx = numpy.concatenate([self.fixback2vtx, self.fixear2vtx, self.fixbase2vtx])
self.matrix_fix = sparse.csr_matrix((
np.ones(fix2vtx.shape[0], np.float32) * coeff_penalty, (fix2vtx, fix2vtx)),
shape=(num_vtx, num_vtx))

# -----------------------------
# below: visualization related

self.prog = self.ctx.program(
#version 330
uniform mat4 matrix;
in vec3 in_vert;
in vec3 in_nrm;
out vec3 out_nrm;
void main() {
out_nrm = normalize((matrix * vec4(in_nrm, 0.0)).xyz);
gl_Position = matrix * vec4(in_vert, 1.0);
#version 330
uniform bool is_shading; // variable of the program
uniform vec3 color;
out vec4 f_color;
in vec3 out_nrm;
void main() {
float ratio = abs(out_nrm.z);
if( !is_shading ){ ratio = 1.0; }
f_color = vec4(color*ratio, 1.0);

# initialize visualization for mesh
ebo = self.ctx.buffer(self.tri2vtx) # send triangle index data to GPU (element buffer object)
self.vbo_vtx2xyz_def = self.ctx.buffer(self.vtx2xyz_def) # send initial vertex coordinates data to GPU
vtx2nrm = util_for_task09.vtx2nrm(self.tri2vtx, self.vtx2xyz_def)
self.vbo_vtx2nrm_def = self.ctx.buffer(vtx2nrm) # send initial vertex coordinates data to GPU
self.vao_ini = self.ctx.vertex_array(
self.prog, [
(self.vbo_vtx2xyz_def, '3f', 'in_vert'),
(self.vbo_vtx2nrm_def, '3f', 'in_nrm')],
ebo, 4, mode=moderngl.TRIANGLES) # tell gpu about the mesh information and how to draw it

# initialize visualization for points
tri2vtx_octa, vtx2xyz_octa = util_for_task09.octahedron()
self.vao_octa = self.ctx.vertex_array(
self.prog, [
(self.ctx.buffer(vtx2xyz_octa), '3f', 'in_vert')],
self.ctx.buffer(tri2vtx_octa), 4, mode=moderngl.TRIANGLES)

def render(self, time, frame_time):
self.vtx2xyz_def[:] = self.vtx2xyz_ini[:]
# set fixed deformation
self.vtx2xyz_def[self.fixear2vtx, 0] += -0.5 * math.sin(time)
self.vtx2xyz_def[self.fixback2vtx, 2] += -0.3 * math.sin(2. * time)

# write a few line code below to implement laplacian mesh deformation
# Problem 2: Laplacian deformation, which minimizes (x-x_def)D(x-x_def) + (x-x_ini)L(x-x_ini) w.r.t x,
# Problem 3: Bi-Laplacian deformation, which minimizes (x-x_def)D(x-x_def) + (x-x_ini)L^2(x-x_ini) w.r.t x,
# where D is the diagonal matrix with entry 1 if the vertex is fixed, 0 if the vertex is free, a.k.a `self.matrix_fix`
# L is the graph Laplacian matrix a.k.a `self.matrix_laplace`
# you may use `spsolve` to solve the liner system
# spsolve:

# do not edit beyond here
# above: deformation
# ---------------------
# below: visualization

self.ctx.clear(1.0, 1.0, 1.0) # initizlize frame buffer with white

self.vbo_vtx2xyz_def.write(self.vtx2xyz_def) # send vertex information to GPU
vtx2nrm = util_for_task09.vtx2nrm(self.tri2vtx, self.vtx2xyz_def)
self.vbo_vtx2nrm_def.write(vtx2nrm) # send normal information to GPU

# make view transformation
view_rot_z = pyrr.Matrix44.from_z_rotation(-np.pi * 0.2)
view_rot_x = pyrr.Matrix44.from_x_rotation(np.pi * 0.4)
view_z_flip = pyrr.Matrix44.from_scale((1.3, 1.3, -1.3, 1.))
view_transf = view_z_flip * view_rot_x * view_rot_z

# render triangle mesh
self.prog['matrix'].value = tuple(view_transf.flatten())
self.prog['color'].value = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
self.prog['is_shading'].value = 1

r = 0.02
self.prog['is_shading'].value = 0

# render fixed bases
for i_vtx in self.fixbase2vtx:
pos = self.vtx2xyz_def[i_vtx].copy()
model_transf = pyrr.Matrix44.from_translation(pos) * pyrr.Matrix44.from_scale((r, r, r, 1.))
self.prog['matrix'].value = tuple((view_transf * model_transf).flatten())
self.prog['color'].value = (0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

# render fixed ear
for i_vtx in self.fixear2vtx:
pos = self.vtx2xyz_def[i_vtx].copy()
model_transf = pyrr.Matrix44.from_translation(pos) * pyrr.Matrix44.from_scale((r, r, r, 1.))
self.prog['matrix'].value = tuple((view_transf * model_transf).flatten())
self.prog['color'].value = (0.0, 1.0, 0.0)

# render fixed back
for i_vtx in self.fixback2vtx:
pos = self.vtx2xyz_def[i_vtx].copy()
model_transf = pyrr.Matrix44.from_translation(pos) * pyrr.Matrix44.from_scale((r, r, r, 1.))
self.prog['matrix'].value = tuple((view_transf * model_transf).flatten())
self.prog['color'].value = (1.0, 0.0, 0.0)

# take a screenshot
if not self.is_screenshot_taken and time > 2.2:
self.is_screenshot_taken = True
rgb = np.frombuffer(, dtype=np.uint8)
rgb = rgb.reshape(self.ctx.fbo.size[0], self.ctx.fbo.size[1], 3)
if rgb.shape[0] == 1000:
rgb = rgb[::2, ::2, :].copy('C')
rgb = Image.fromarray(rgb)

def main():

if __name__ == "__main__":
Binary file added task09/out_bilaplacian.png
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Binary file added task09/out_default.png
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Binary file added task09/out_laplacian.png
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Binary file added task09/preview.png
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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions task09/requirements.txt
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