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This script was created out of the need to have snapshots-like backups using the DreamHost Backup service, which provides 50GB of space for personal backups but gives very limited access to it's servers. Basically, you have no SSH access, only RSync and SFTP.

It can be used to backup any machine: your computer, a server or even a Dreamhost-hosted website.

You just need to configure it with the path to backup, your dreamhost backup account and the private key used for authentication and it will create daily backups and keep the last 7 days, 4 weeks and 6 months.

You can read a blog post I wrote about it if you're interested in the "whys" and "hows".

Quick Start

  1. Place the files in a directory
  2. Rename dhsnapshot.conf.sample to dhsnapshot.conf
  3. Edit it.
  4. Make sure the directory you're backing up to on the backup server exists
  5. Setup ssh public key authentication
  6. Run it manually for the first time
  7. Schedule a set of cron jobs to do it automatically.

Step by step

Download the project

[bob@dreamhost]~$ git clone git://
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/bob/dhsnapshot/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 11, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (9/9), done.
remote: Toremote: tal 11 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (11/11), done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (3/3), done.

Setup the config file

[bob@dreamhost]~$ cd dhsnapshot/
[bob@dreamhost]~/dhsnapshot$ cp dhsnapshot.conf.sample dhsnapshot.conf
[bob@dreamhost]~/dhsnapshot$ vi dhsnapshot.conf
[bob@dreamhost]~/dhsnapshot$ more dhsnapshot.conf
$conf{'backup_source'} = "/home/bob/trac_trac/";
$conf{'backup_dest'} = '[email protected]:backup';
$conf{'backup_filter'} = '/home/bob/.backup-exclude-rsync';

$conf{'private_key'} = "/home/bob/.ssh/id_rsa";

$conf{'rsync_path'} = '/usr/bin/rsync';
$conf{'sftp_path'} = '/usr/bin/sftp';
$conf{'nice_path'} = '/usr/bin/nice';

return 1;

Setup SSH public key authentication

  1. Check if you already have a key [bob@dreamhost]~/dhsnapshot$ ls -lh ~/.ssh/id_rsa

  2. If you get something like -rw------- 1 bob bob 1.7K 2010-10-30 19:31 /home/bob/.ssh/id_rsa

    Then you're already set.

  3. If you get a something like ls: cannot access /home/bob/.ssh/id_rsa: No such file or directory

    Then you can create a ssh key pair by doing: [bob@dreamhost]~/dhsnapshot$ ssh-keygen -q -N "" -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Setup the backup server

1.Create the directory where the backup will be placed

[bob@dreamhost]~/dhsnapshot$ sftp [email protected]
Connecting to
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 0e:c2:f6:f4:d9:86:9d:4b:c4:3d:77:e7:a4:bb:59:14.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added ',' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
[email protected]'s password:
sftp> mkdir backup

2.Configure the key as authorized key
This is needed so the backup script doesn't need to type a password to connect :)

sftp> mkdir .ssh
sftp> chmod 700 .ssh
Changing mode on /vol/shelf1/zool/b000000/.ssh
sftp> cd .ssh
sftp> put /home/bob/.ssh/
Uploading to /vol/shelf1/zool/b000000/.ssh/                                    100%  395     0.4KB/s   00:00
sftp> rename authorized_keys
sftp> chmod 700 authorized_keys
Changing mode on /vol/shelf1/zool/b000000/.ssh/authorized_keys
sftp> quit

Setup permissions for your script and keys

[bob@dreamhost]~/dhsnapshot$ chmod 500
[bob@dreamhost]~/dhsnapshot$ chmod 400 dhsnapshot.conf

Run the first backup manually to see if everything is ok

[bob@dreamhost]~/dhsnapshot$ ./ daily
Changing to: /vol/shelf1/zool/b000000/backup
sftp> -rmdir daily.6
sftp> -rename daily.5 daily.6
Couldn't rename file "/vol/shelf1/zool/b000000/backup/daily.5" to "/vol/shelf1/zool/b000000/backup/daily.6": No such file or directory
sftp> -rename daily.4 daily.5
Couldn't rename file "/vol/shelf1/zool/b000000/backup/daily.4" to "/vol/shelf1/zool/b000000/backup/daily.5": No such file or directory
sftp> -rename daily.3 daily.4
Couldn't rename file "/vol/shelf1/zool/b000000/backup/daily.3" to "/vol/shelf1/zool/b000000/backup/daily.4": No such file or directory
sftp> -rename daily.2 daily.3
Couldn't rename file "/vol/shelf1/zool/b000000/backup/daily.2" to "/vol/shelf1/zool/b000000/backup/daily.3": No such file or directory
sftp> -rename daily.1 daily.2
Couldn't rename file "/vol/shelf1/zool/b000000/backup/daily.1" to "/vol/shelf1/zool/b000000/backup/daily.2": No such file or directory
sftp> -rename daily.0 daily.1
Couldn't rename file "/vol/shelf1/zool/b000000/backup/daily.0" to "/vol/shelf1/zool/b000000/backup/daily.1": No such file or directory
--link-dest arg does not exist: ../daily.1

The errors here are ok, they just say that the "daily.X" directory doesn't exist (yet).
After running the script for 7 days, the errors will disappear.
The same is valid for the Weekly and Monthly backups

Setup the crontab to run your backups automatically

[bob@dreamhost]~/dhsnapshot$ crontab -l
no crontab for bob
[bob@dreamhost]~/dhsnapshot$ crontab -e
It looks like you don't have a MAILTO line in your crontab file
For performance reasons we ask that you specify an address where
cronjob output will be delivered.  If you do not wish to receive
cronjob output, simply press enter and cronjob output will not be
mailed to you.

For more information regarding this, please visit:

Where would you like cronjob output delivered? (leave blank to disable)
: [email protected]

cronjob output will be emailed to [email protected]
confirm? (y/N): y
/usr/bin/crontab: installing new crontab

[bob@dreamhost]~/dhsnapshot$ crontab -l
MAILTO="[email protected]"
0  2  1 * * /home/bob/dhsnapshot/ monthly
0  3  * * 0 /home/bob/dhsnapshot/ weekly
0  4  * * * /home/bob/dhsnapshot/ daily

Monthly backups are rolled every 1st at 2am
Weeklys are rolled every Sunday 3am
Dailys are rolled and a new backup generated everyday at 4am

If you setup your email here, you will get daily notifications containing the 'sftp renames' results and error messages if any.
I think it's good to receive it so you know your backup is running and if any problem arises you get aware about it very fast.


RSnapshot-like backups to DreamHost Backup Service






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