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Running Test Implementations of Solid compatible servers
The ACL details below have been used to enable read-write access on the PODs above for the group of developers (the #RWWCrew
) listed below. You can request addition of your WebID, to participate in this interop effort.
Note: #RWWCrew
membership updates and other changes to the ACL will not propagate automatically unless the POD owner has specifically set their POD up to reference the files on kidehen3.solid.openlinksw.com which are currently being treated as canonical, so will not be immediately active on all PODs.
@prefix : <#> .
@prefix acl: <http://www.w3.org/ns/auth/acl#> .
@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .
# The owner has all permissions
a acl:Authorization ;
acl:agent <../profile/card#me> ; # PUT YOUR OWN WEBID HERE
acl:accessTo <./> ;
acl:defaultForNew <./> ;
acl:mode acl:Read ,
acl:Write ,
acl:Control .
# The public has read permissions
a acl:Authorization ;
acl:agentClass foaf:Agent ;
acl:accessTo <./> ;
acl:defaultForNew <./> ;
acl:mode acl:Read .
Adding this to the basic ACL above will grant Write permissions to the RWWCrew (as detailed below).
@prefix rww-group-list: <https://kidehen3.solid.openlinksw.com:8444/public/rww-crew-group.ttl#> .
a acl:Authorization ;
acl:agentGroup rww-group-list:RWWCrew ;
acl:accessTo <./> ;
acl:defaultForNew <./> ;
acl:mode acl:Read ,
acl:Write .
Downloadable or linkable as below, at https://kidehen3.solid.openlinksw.com:8444/public/rww-crew-group.ttl
@prefix : <#> .
@prefix acl: <http://www.w3.org/ns/auth/acl#> .
@prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> .
@prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> .
@prefix vcard: <http://www.w3.org/2006/vcard/ns#> .
@prefix cmsb: <http://ods-qa.openlinksw.com:8896/DAV/home/nobody/cmsb_handcrafted_webid_170223.ttl#> .
@prefix csarven: <http://csarven.ca/#> .
@prefix danbri: <https://danbri.solid.community/profile/card#> .
@prefix justinwb: <https://justin.janeirodigital.exchange/profile/card#> .
@prefix kidehen: <https://kingsley.idehen.net/public_home/kidehen/profile.ttl#> .
@prefix kidehen-community: <https://kidehen.solid.community/profile/card#> .
@prefix kidehen-solid: <https://kidehen.solid.openlinksw.com:8444/profile/card#> .
@prefix kidehen2-solid: <https://kidehen2.solid.openlinksw.com:8444/profile/card#> .
@prefix kidehen5-solid: <https://kidehen5.solid.openlinksw.com:8444/profile/card#> .
@prefix kidehen7-solid: <https://kidehen7.solid.openlinksw.com:8444/profile/card#> .
@prefix kjetil: <https://solid.kjernsmo.net/profile/card#> .
@prefix melvin: <https://melvincarvalho.com/#> .
@prefix melvin2-solid: <https://melvincarvalho.solid.openlinksw.com:8444/profile/card#> .
@prefix ftrain: <https://ftrain.solid.community/profile/card#> .
@prefix ricmac: <https://ricmac.solid.community/profile/card#> .
@prefix ruben: <https://ruben.verborgh.org/profile/#> .
@prefix ruben-solid: <https://ruben-just-works.solid.community/profile/card#> .
@prefix smalinin: <http://id.myopenlink.net/DAV/home/smalinin/YouID/Sergey_Malinin_Fb/profile.ttl#> .
@prefix smalinin-solid: <https://smalinin.solid.openlinksw.com:8444/profile/card#> .
@prefix software-agent: <https://id.myopenlink.net/DAV/home/KingsleyUyiIdehen/Public/software-agent.ttl#> .
@prefix tallted: <https://tallted.solid.openlinksw.com:8444/profile/card#> .
@prefix timbl: <https://www.w3.org/People/Berners-Lee/card#> .
@prefix turnguard: <https://ldp.turnguard.com/turnguard#> .
<> a acl:GroupListing.
a vcard:Group ;
rdfs:label "RWW Crew" ;
rdfs:comment """Members of the RWW Crew. A group of folks hammering away at
Solid as a collection of best practices for a decentralized
Web in which Identity, Applications, and Data Storage are
""" ;
vcard:hasMember cmsb:identity ,
csarven:i ,
justinwb:me ,
kidehen-community:me ,
kidehen:i ,
kidehen-solid:me ,
kidehen2-solid:me ,
kidehen5-solid:me ,
kidehen7-solid:me ,
kjetil:me ,
melvin:me ,
melvin2-solid:me ,
ricmac:me ,
ftrain:me ,
ruben:me ,
ruben-solid:me ,
smalinin:identity ,
smalinin-solid:me ,
software-agent:i ,
tallted:me ,
timbl:i ,
turnguard:me .
## About Members ##
cmsb:identity vcard:hasNickname "@cblakely" .
csarven:i vcard:hasNickname "@csarven" .
danbri:me vcard:hasNickname "@danbri" .
justinwb:me vcard:hasNickname "@justinwb" .
kidehen-community:me vcard:hasNickname "@kidehen-solid-community-me" .
kidehen:i vcard:hasNickname "@kidehen-i" .
kidehen-solid:me vcard:hasNickname "@kidehen-solid-me" .
kidehen2-solid:me vcard:hasNickname "@kidehen2-solid-me" .
kidehen5-solid:me vcard:hasNickname "@kidehen5-solid-me" .
kidehen7-solid:me vcard:hasNickname "@kidehen7-solid-me" .
kjetil:me vcard:hasNickname "@kjetil" .
melvin:me vcard:hasNickname "@melvincarvalho" .
melvin2-solid:me vcard:hasNickname "@melvincarvalho-solid-openlink-me" .
ricmac:me vcard:hasNickname "@ricmac" .
ftrain:me vcard:hasNickname "@ftrain" .
ruben:me vcard:hasNickname "@rubenverborgh" .
ruben-solid:me vcard:hasNickname "@rubenverborgh-solid" .
smalinin:identity vcard:hasNickname "@smalinin" .
smalinin-solid:me vcard:hasNickname "@smalinin-solid" .
software-agent:i vcard:hasNickname "@webid-tls-delegation-secretary" .
tallted:me vcard:hasNickname "@TallTed" .
timbl:i vcard:hasNickname "@timbl" .
turnguard:me vcard:hasNickname "@turnguard" .
Note: An account on a TLS-only-mode server will not enable log in for an OIDC-mode server.
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