This repo has been created using my week 1 mini project as the template which has all the necessary steps to automate the process and I will be using that repo for my future projects as well. The current repo is for creating Polar Descriptive Statistics Script using DevOps principles.
- - This python file contains 3 function to calculate mean, median, mode and standard deviation
- - This python file is reading World University Ranking.csv and testing the four functions in and asserts the true value
Generated summary - This is markdown file containing the output. The function create_summary is present in file which creates this markdown file when we run 'make test' command
- - This file contains analysis between count of top universities vs there mean industry income score based on the location. When we run the 'make test' command, the folder named output_graph is created with the graph as shown below.
The output of the visualization code is :
Action include the general CI/CD process in yml file, which automatically generate the graph and markdown
requirements.txt - Contains all the required python packages
Makfefile - Using make to automate different parts of developing a Python project, like -
1. running tests 2. cleaning builds 3. installing dependencies
Integrating it into my routine, so can save time and avoid errors.
.github/workflows - This directory in a Python project (or any GitHub repository) is used for creating and storing GitHub Actions workflows. GitHub Actions is a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) platform provided by GitHub. The workflow is triggered on pushes to the main branch. It sets up :
1. Python environment 2. Installs project dependencies 3. Install packages 4. Linitng 5. Runs tests 6. Format