This project involves time series forecasting for stock prices using a hybrid approach combining ARIMA and LSTM models.
The project utilizes historical stock data from 'GOOG.csv' and employs the following steps:
Data Preprocessing
- Visualize the original closing prices.
- Make the data stationary by taking the first difference.
- Analyze Fourier Transform to check for stationarity.
Autocorrelation Analysis
- Use ACF and PACF plots to determine model parameters (p, d, q) for ARIMA.
ARIMA Modeling
- Fit an ARIMA model on the training data using identified parameters.
- Forecast stock prices on the test data.
- Plot the original test data and forecasted values.
Error Analysis
- Calculate prediction errors between actual and forecasted values.
- Visualize prediction errors.
LSTM Modeling for Error Prediction
- Train an LSTM model on the errors from the ARIMA model.
- Create sequences of errors for training the LSTM model.
LSTM Model Training
- Build and train an LSTM model to predict errors.
- Evaluate the performance of the LSTM model.
Overall Prediction
- Combine ARIMA and LSTM predictions to get the final forecast.
- Python 3.x
- Libraries: TensorFlow, Statsmodels, Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Scikit-learn
- One might require to download the tensorflow library as it is not inbuilt in base kernel
- The project aims to predict stock prices using a hybrid ARIMA-LSTM model.
- The performance of the model can be evaluated through visualizations and metrics.
- The project is a part of the WIDS workshop (Winter in Data Science)
- Yahoo Finance for their historical data regarding stock prices