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This role installs and configures Lutim on Debian/Ubuntu servers. Find out more about Lutim, created by Luc Didry.
This role will automatically install a service that will start when the server boots up. It will figure out which service manager is being used automatically too.
Using this role doesn't install Nginx or Apache as a reverse proxy, you need to do that yourself! Take a look at the example configurations.
Set the user/group that will be used to run Lutim. It makes sense to use the webserver user/group.
lutim_user: www-data
lutim_group: www-data
Set if Lutim should be kept up to date. (default: no)
lutim_keep_updated: no
There are a few mandatory and many optional values. Check all possible variables in defaults/main.yml
# Required!
lutim_working_dir: "/var/www/example.com"
lutim_listen: "" # Or an array, if multiple addresses.
lutim_contact: "[email protected]"
lutim_secrets: ["array", "of", "random", "secrets"]
# Optional
lutim_theme: "default"
lutim_proxy: no
lutim_url_length: 8
lutim_crypto_key_length: 8
lutim_provis_step: 5
lutim_provisioning: 100
lutim_anti_flood_delay: 5
lutim_tweet_card_via: "@foo"
lutim_max_file_size: 10485760
lutim_piwik_img: ""
lutim_hosted_by: ""
lutim_broadcast_message: ""
lutim_allowed_domains: []
lutim_default_delay: 0
lutim_max_delay: 0
lutim_always_encrypt: no
lutim_token_length: 24
lutim_prefix: "/"
lutim_db_type: "sqlite"
lutim_db_path: "lutim.db"
database: "lutim"
host: "localhost"
user: "DBUSER"
enabled: yes
db_type: "sqlite"
db_path: "minion.db" # SQLite ONLY
pgdb: # PostgreSQL ONLY
database: "lutim_minion"
host: "localhost"
user: "DBUSER"
uri: "ldaps://ldap.example.org"
user_tree: "ou=users,dc=example,dc=org"
bind_dn: "uid=ldap_user,ou=users,dc=example,dc=org"
bind_pwd: "secr3t"
user_attr: "uid"
user_filter: "(!(uid=ldap_user))"
lutim_htpasswd: "lutim.passwd"
lutim_session_duration: 3600
lutim_disable_img_stats: no
lutim_thumbnail_size: 100
lutim_max_files_in_zip: 15
lutim_cache_max_size: 0
lutim_memcached_servers: []
lutim_quiet_logs: no
lutim_csp: "default-src 'none'; script-src 'self'; style-src 'self'; img-src 'self' data:; font-src 'self'; form-action 'self'; base-uri 'self'"
lutim_x_frame_options: "DENY"
lutim_x_content_type_options: "nosniff"
lutim_x_xss_protection: "1; mode=block"
lutim_fixed_domain: "example.org"
lutim_stats_day_num: 365
lutim_keep_ip_during: 365
lutim_max_total_size: 10*1024*1024*1024
lutim_policy_when_full: "warn"
lutim_delete_no_longer_viewed_files: 90
Each part of the setup has a tag.
# playbook.yml
- hosts: servers
become: yes
- vars/main.yml
- { role: noplanman.lutim }
# vars/main.yml
lutim_working_dir: "/var/www/lutim.example.com"
lutim_listen: ""
lutim_contact: "[email protected]"
lutim_secrets: ["eo5jeiD8","OhshiGh2","mieSh0po","iD6ohNg2","gueb4Mee","VoeNgei5","kaV3EeT2","en9Ohshi"]
lutim_broadcast_message: "Welcome to Lutim. Upload those images!"
Docker is used to test the role with different operating systems.
Check the tests