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Nosana CLI

The Nosana CLI is a command-line tool for interacting with the Nosana Network, enabling users to post jobs to the network or run a Nosana Node seamlessly.


  • Post Jobs: Easily post jobs to the Nosana Network.
  • Run a Node: Set up and manage a Nosana Node.


$ npm install -g @nosana/cli

# or install with yarn
$ yarn global add @nosana/cli

Alternatively, you can use npx to use the cli directly without installing it globally:

$ npx @nosana/cli help

Basic Usage

Once installed, you can invoke CLI commands directly from your OS command line through the nosana executable. See the available commands by entering the following:

$ nosana help

All interactions with Nosana CLI are of the form

$ nosana [command] [options] [argument]

Available node commands:

node view <node>                          View (any) Nosana Node
node join [command]                       Register for Nosana Grid
node start [options] <market>             Start Nosana Node
node run [options] <job-definition-file>  Run Job Definition File
node help [command]                       display help for command

Available job commands:

job post [options] [command...] Create a job to run by Nosana Runners
job get [options] <job>         Get a job and display result
job download <ipfs> [path]      Download an external artifact from IPFS to specified path
job help [command]              display help for command

Global options:

-V, --version                        output the version number
-n, --network <network>              network to run on (choices: "devnet", "mainnet", default: "mainnet")
--rpc <url>                          RPC node to use
--log <logLevel>                     Log level (choices: "info", "none", "debug", "trace", default: "debug")

Start a Nosana Node

To get started with your Nosana Node on the Nosana Grid, you can run a node after you've installed the prerequisites with the following command:

nosana node start [options]


  --provider <provider>     provider used to run the job (choices: "docker", "podman", default: "podman")
  -w, --wallet <wallet>     path to wallet private key (default: "~/.nosana/nosana_key.json")
  --docker, --podman <URI>  Podman/Docker connection URI (default: "http://localhost:8080")
  -h, --help                display help for command

Starting node

With the nosana node start [options] command you can start a Nosana Node and join the Nosana Network.


  --provider <provider>     provider used to run the job (choices: "docker", "podman", default: "podman")
  -w, --wallet <wallet>     path to wallet private key (default: "~/.nosana/nosana_key.json")
  --docker, --podman <URI>  Podman/Docker connection URI (default: "http://localhost:8080")
  -h, --help                display help for command

Posting jobs

With the nosana job post [options] [command...] command you can post nosana jobs to the Nosana Network. The default job type is container, meaning nodes will run your job in docker containers.


The following command will run echo hello world with the default ubuntu docker image (can be changed with the --image flag), while we specify the --wait flag to wait for the results:

$ nosana job post echo hello world --wait

All available options for post:

--airdrop                request an airdrop when low on SOL on devnet (default: true)
--gpu                    enable GPU on node
-o, --output <path>      specify which folder inside the container you want to upload
--type <type>            type to run (default: "container")
-i, --image <image>      docker image to use (default: "ubuntu")
--f, --file <path>       file with the JSON flow
--wait                   wait for job to be completed and show result
--download               download external artifacts (implies --wait)


Please visit our documentation for a full list of commands and examples.

For technical details on how the Nosana CLI works, refer to the technical documentation:

Technical Documentation