You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 77
- http://bmcbride.github.io/bootleaf/
- https://openstreetmap.org
- http://openrouteservice.org/
- https://map.geo.admin.ch
- https://www.google.com/maps
- http://getbootstrap.com/
- http://foundation.zurb.com/sites/docs/
- http://jquerymobile.com/
- http://ionicframework.com
- https://www.sencha.com/products/touch
- https://github.com/turbo87/leaflet-sidebar/
- https://github.com/turbo87/sidebar-v2/
- https://github.com/unbam/Leaflet.SlideMenu
- http://upoi.org
- http://öpnvkarte.de
- all left pane controls collapsible into buttons & individually expandable
like elevation- & layers control -> BR.Control- as buttons below layer switcher (position: topright) or bottomright?
- as icons in a top/bottom (menu) bar
- top/bottom bar
with toggle for left pane, mode + alternative dropdown, selected stats - left pane as Accordion?
- consider landscape mode (less vertical space for buttons)
- make fixed width left pane more flexible/responsive?
- elevation collapsed=false (on mobile; + expand/collapse button?)
- elevation graph width (= min(width, device width) ?)
- left pane dependent fixed styles
- #message { left: 446px; /* 400 + 10 + 26 + 10 */
- ... (all with ~400px)
- which media width?
(at least 800 = 1/2 400 left pane, better ~2/3 map width vs. left)
- bootstrap visible/hidden instead of own media numbers http://getbootstrap.com/css/#responsive-utilities + js?
search control expanded on load (Android 4.1 stock browser)
closing layer switcher and elevation control with touch on map adds a marker
adding No-go doesn't work - Leaflet.draw no mobile support?
--> replace with Leaflet.Editable ("touch support"), wanted to do this anyway to get rid of edit/delete buttons and save/cancel confirmation, instead e.g. click to edit, ctrl-click to delete -
Attribution too long (short static text with a "more..." link?)
- trailer shown on map drag (doesn't get removed)
slider knob transparent (gradient not supported (Android 4.1)?)
geolocation once and/or continuous tracking (default?)
https://github.com/domoritz/leaflet-locatecontrol options -
fullscreen (no browser bar)
Fullscreen button control (plugins)
[apple-]mobile-web-app-capable? + apple-touch-icon (see BootLeaf)
Fullscreen only, when started from homescreen! ("add to Homescreen")<meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"> <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">