v4.1.0 (2023-05-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- Preference for opening the MPR in a certain layout #406
- Some viewers do not support the drag and drop of a series #405
- DICOM ECG measurement #403
- Persistence of search criteria in the Q/R #400
- Open log folder from the Help menu #398
- MPR auto-center options #397
- Remove popup confirmation for some browsers #396
- Activate DICOM RT tool panel when loading DICOM RT files #395
- Add specific message when DICOM Q/R exceeds the limit of the results #392
- 3D View - Volume Rendering - Part 1 #389
- Keep the state of the docking panel when switching to a different viewer #381
- LUT in Enhanced CT is not applied #375
- Radiograph images suddenly become very bright after slightly lower the window level in Weasis #373
- Using crosshair resets zoom on images #371
- Option for sorting studies #369
Fixed bugs:
- The control points of the ellipse are not always displayed #404
- SUVbw value are different for DRO Washington Image than required per QIBA profile #399
- Thumbnails in DICOM Explorer are not aligned correctly #391
- Localization does not work for weasis-core-api and weasis-core-ui in Weasis-snapshot after version 4.0.3. #386
- Weasis and Dicomizer don't start maximized within Compiz (in MX-Linux) #383
- Cannot load DICOM DX with invalid patient orientation #376
- LUT (black/white colour scales) of some plain radiographs becomes inverted after upgrading to Weasis 4.0.3 #372
- Viewer tabs behavior when opening studies via DICOM get #357
- A corrupted DICOM file crashes Weasis #350
Closed issues:
- Could not find artifact org.weasis.core:weasis-core-img:pom:4.6.0-jdk11 #358