A github sites demo repository created as a tutorial for the University of Chicago Engineering Society
Use the fork button in the upper right corner of the github website. This creates a copy of this repository under your account.
You can do this by going to a command line on your computer and typing "git clone https://github.com/YOUR-USERNAME/GithubSitesDemo.git" in the folder you want to
You can do this in any text editor. I prefer VSCode, but even notepad will do. If you want to see what your website looks like while you're editing it, just open your index.html file and it should pop open in your web browser. This is not on the internet, just showing you what your site will look like when you put this file online.
Type "git status" in the command line to see files that you have changed. Type "git add FILENAME" to add a changed file to your next commit. This is called staging. Then, type "git commit -m "TYPE A COMMIT MESSAGE HERE, NOT THIS MESSAGE BUT A REAL INFORMATIVE MESSAGE"
Type "git push" in the command line to push all of your commits to the github website. You do not have to push after every commit, but if you don't push, then github will not recieve your changes until you do. After you push, you should be able to see your changes in the code on the github website. Your github site should update automatically after a few moments.
This is a "Github Projects" website. If you want to set up a "Personal" website, or another projects site, follow the tutorials available here. (https://pages.github.com/)
The html file contains the "content" of your website. Fill it out with html elements!
The CSS file is responsible for the style of your site.
You can access this site at https://sshatzkin.github.io/GithubSitesDemo/. When you fork the repository, your website will be available at https://yourUsername.github.io/GithubSitesDemo.