based on raintank website
Prerequisites for new setups:
- Run
npm install
- Make sure Hugo is installed. You can verify Hugo is installed by typing
which hugo
from the command line. If hugo is not found, please install:
Quick build instructions:
- Run
grunt connect
to start the server - In a separate terminal, run
grunt watch dev
to compile into `build/dev/' - Open in a browser (or whatever the port specified in gruntfile.js)
- Shake vigorously. Pour. Enjoy.
Pushing to dev
- ssh into the box
- pull the latest commits from github:
cd /var/local/worldping-staging && git pull
- reprocess the assets, placing them in build/dist:
- restart application:
service worldping-staging restart
Pushing to production
- ssh into the box
- pull the latest commits from github:
cd /var/local/worldping-website && git pull
- reprocess the assets, placing them in build/dist:
- restart application:
service worldping restart