Scientific Reports | medRxiv | PDF
Yazeed Zoabi1,†, Orli Kehat2,†, Dan Lahav1, Ahuva Weiss-Meilik2,‡, Amos Adler2,‡, Noam Shomron1,‡
1 Tel Aviv University
2 Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center
†These authors contributed equally
‡These authors jointly supervised this work
Among the implications of this work is implementation of the models as a basis for selective rapid microbiological identifcation, toward earlier administration of appropriate antibiotic therapy. Additionally, our models may help reduce the development of BSI and its associated adverse health outcomes and complications.
- RDW - (%)
- Albumin - (g/L)
- Age - Age in years
- Creatinine - (mg/dL)
- RBC - (10e6/ϻL)
- Surgery - True = 1, False = 0
- NRBC/100_WBC - (%)
- Mean_platelet_volume - (fL)
- AST - (U/L)
- HCT - (%)
- MCHC - (g/dL)
- Indirect_Bilirubin - (mg/dL)
- Cerebrovascular_disease - True = 1, False = 0
- Alkaline - (U/L)
- Platelet_Automated_Count - (10e3/ϻL)
- MCV - (fL)
- Catheterization - True = 1, False = 0
- Respiratory_diseases - True = 1, False = 0
- Direct_bilirubin - (mg/dL)
- ALT - (U/L)
- Sex - Male=1, Female=0
- Lymphocytes - (10e3/ϻL)
- Neutrophils - (10e3/ϻL)
- Infectious_background - True = 1, False = 0
- Insulin - True = 1, False = 0
The probability of having the composite outcome as defined by the manuscript.
Import lgbm_compact_model.txt using LightGBM 2.3.1 on Python 3.6.
Predict using your data.
- lgbm_compact_model.txt - The compact model that uses 25 features
- hyperparameters.txt - The hyperparameters used by LightGBM to train the inclusive and the compact model