Simple 4 operations calculator with nearly infinite precision ;)
This simple app was written for devdactic challenge #1: Build a Calculator with Ionic for more info see
To use the app:
- ionic start inCal blank
- copy the www directory into the ionic project
- run with ionic serve
I choose to make as simple as possible calculator, with floating point and only plus, minus, multiply and divide operations. I've used a Decimal.js (arbitrary precision decimal type for javascript) to handle very big numbers, see
I've also added a modified version of ng-FitText.js adapted to continuosly check the element and change the font size to better display the result of calculations using rem instead of pixel, see
On 2016-07-26 I've added ngAria to demonstrate App accessibility with TalkBack and VoiceOver.
In the www directory you can find the sources of the app, in the resources directory there are the icon and the splash screen.