ovirt-web-ui-1.6.7 (10 Feb 2021)
create VM Wizard - display a validation text message next to the VM Name and Cloud-init/Sysprep's host name fields on basic settings step
create VM Wizard - add a validation to disk name field on the storage step
create VM Wizard - force template disk's storage domain selection and change default disk type for Template and ISO provisioned VMs
create VM Wizard - validate the disk's storage domain for the current user based on user permissions
create VM Wizard - fix the create VM from template's bootable disk flag option
create VM Wizard - select The correct "Other OS" option in OS field of basic settings step, based on cluster's cpu architecture
create VM Wizard - fix the basic settings step behaviour when only one cluster exists and no hosts are assigned to the cluster
create VM Wizard - remove disk size inconsistent tooltip in storage step
create VM Wizard - fix eslint import errors
fix an exception occurs when a VM is taken from a pool while a refresh is done with a filter
fix an error occurs after changing a cluster for an existed VM via the details card component
update dependencies of immer and
remove Fedora 30 from STDCI since it's EOL
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