oap-ws-file-bucket-manager.parameters.buckets {
DEFAULT = /path/to/default
bucket1 = /path/to/bucket1
docker run --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway--restart always -d -p <port1>:<port1> bulletmark/corsproxy <port1>:host.docker.internal:<port2>
- port1 - cors http port
- port2 - oap-ws http port
docker pull swaggerapi/swagger-ui
docker run -p 8088:8080 -e BASE_URL=/swagger-ui -e SWAGGER_JSON_URL=http://localhost:20001/system/openapi swaggerapi/swagger-ui
- modify SWAGGER_JSON_URL according to your host:port
- modify desired external docker port (8088 in '-p 8088:8080')
- make sure that you can fetch OpenAPI json file from URL '/system/openapi' (like 'http://localhost:20001/system/openapi')
- go to '/swagger-ui/' (like 'http://localhost:8088/swagger-ui/')
- Note: in case you get the error 'Failed to load API definition.' it's possible a CORS issue. The simplest way to fix it is to install 'Allow-Control-Allow-Origin plugin' for Chrome browser from https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/moesif-orign-cors-changer/digfbfaphojjndkpccljibejjbppifbc?hl=en-US
- make sure you've had this Chrome extension enabled and try open /swagger-ui/ again
- Note: after using Swagger-UI switch off this Chrome extension to stay secured
API root path declaration:
some-ws {
implementation = ...
ws-service {
path = /api/path
Internal path hierarchy inside service can be omitted, e.g.
@WsMethod( method = GET, path = "/{id}" )
public Item get( @WsParam( from = PATH ) String id )
interceptors are implementing oap.ws.Interceptor and interceptors is configured as below
some-ws {
implementation = ...
ws-service {
sessionAware = true
interceptors = [
interceptors may catch parameters when calling like below
public Optional<Response> before( InvocationContext context ) {
return "error".equals( context.exchange.getStringParameter( "wsMethodParameter" ) )
? Optional.of( new Response( FORBIDDEN, "caused by interceptor" ) )
: Optional.empty();
Some service class has some workflow definition
public RequestWorkflow<ProcessingState> workflow; // to be shared in workflow chain
private void initWorkflow() {
workflow = RequestWorkflow
.init( new RequestHandler1( ) )
.next( new RequestHandler2( ) )
static class RequestHandler1 extends PnioRequestHandler<Object> {
public void handle( PnioExchange<Object> pnioExchange, Object o ) throws InterruptedException, IOException {
static class RequestHandler2 ...
and ProcessingState class has at least
public Object originalRequest;
Web service parameter validators:
- by JSON schema - WsValidateJson annotation for single parameter
public String checkData(
@WsParam( from = BODY )
@WsValidateJson( schema = "/schemas/data.conf" )
Data data
) {
- by calling the method for all parameters
@WsMethod( method = GET, path = "addNew/{id}" )
@WsValidate( "dataValidator" )
public int serviceWithValidate( @WsParam( from = QUERY ) int requiredParameter, @WsParam( from = PATH ) String id ) {
return requiredParameter;
protected ValidationErrors dataValidator( int shouldBePositive, String id ) {
return id.trim().length() == 0 || shouldBePositive > 0
? ValidationErrors.empty()
: ValidationErrors.error( "not a positive parameter or id is empty" );