DankFlairBot (DFB) is a bot designed from the ground up to actively manage flairs on any subreddit in real time. This means it actively scans through a subreddit in order to keep an updated state of every user's contributions. Unlike Automoderator, this is happening all the time, it doesn't need an API driven event in order to react.
DFB uses synax similar to Automoderator, which is based off YAML. The concept is also the same, where there are inputs that lead to outputs. A collection of inputs and outputs is called a rule. Rules can be processed on posts or users, this will be noted as the type of the rule. Inputs that are user specific, but processed on a post, will apply the output to the post.
Currently, only a small amount of inputs and outputs are supported, but more inputs and outputs are being added constantly.
The configuration for a bot is placed at the url:
Here is a simple example of a configuration:
# Show moderators
# This rule will only be executed on users.
type: user
# This is the moderator input rule.
value: True # We want the output to be performed if the user *is* a moderator of this sub.
# The priority of this rule is 5. Higher priority overrides lower priority.
# A priority of -1 overrides everything.
priority: 5
# This is the flair output.
# This will set the flair to "Moderator flair text" and the class to "Moderator"
user_text: Moderator flair text
user_class: Moderator
# This rule will only be executed on users as well.
type: user
# This is a comment score input.
# It will run the output if the value is *less* than 15.
value: 15
condition: less
# A fairly low priority of 1. Easy to override
priority: 1
# These users will be labled as "NOOB" with a class of noob
user_text: NOOB
user_class: noob