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Merge pull request #3357 from OCamlPro/fix-table-printing
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Table alignment fixes, plus a few, mostly documentation, fixes
  • Loading branch information
AltGr authored May 17, 2018
2 parents 08c89d5 + 265ea20 commit 9df37ac
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Showing 6 changed files with 41 additions and 24 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions CHANGES
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Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ are not marked).
variables setup, color console and utf8 (using specific C stubs)
* Better detection of the running shell
* Added shell helpers to automatically sync the environment on every prompt
* Support for selecting different backends if compiled in the `ocaml-mccs` solver lib

* Fixes
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27 changes: 14 additions & 13 deletions doc/pages/
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Expand Up @@ -66,11 +66,12 @@ remove) are also run in a sandbox and guaranteed not to affect your system.

Since opam 2.0.0~rc2, opam uses `bwrap` on Linux to run package instructions in
a sandbox. This restricts their access to parts of the system (e.g., forbid
access to operating system, user data, or network). See the [bubblewrap
page]( for details.
access to operating system, user data, or network). See the
[bubblewrap page]( for details. A
similar mechanism is used on macOS, using the `sandbox-exec` command.

We use `bwrap` to prevent packages from writing outside their allotted
filesystem space, use network. For example, build commands have restricted
filesystem space or use the network. For example, build commands have restricted
write access, restrained to their dedicated build directory and `/tmp`. These
sandboxing instructions are specified in the built-in configuration, that you
can display with `opam init --show-default-opamrc`:
Expand All @@ -83,16 +84,16 @@ wrap-install-commands: ["%{hooks}%/" "install"] {os = "linux"}
wrap-remove-commands: ["%{hooks}%/" "remove"] {os = "linux"}

You can manually disable package build sandboxing and remove bwrap from
the required dependencies (at your own risk). You can use the built-in
configuration as a template to create or update an `opamrc` file: run `opam
init --show-default-opamrc >~/.opamrc`, then edit that file and remove or
modify the [`init-scripts:`](Manual.html#opamrcfield-init-scripts) and
`wrap-*:` fields as well as the `bwrap` line from the `required-tools:` field,
and finally retry `opam init`.

See also the [wrap entry](Manual.html#configfield-wrap-build-commands) section
in the manual.
Sandboxing provides an important level of security, and should always be kept
enabled. Note, however, that:
- Only the _package_ build/install/remove commands are protected: if you install
a program using opam and execute it, it will run with your standard user
- If needed, for special cases like unprivileged containers, sandboxing can be
disabled on `opam init` with the `--disable-sandboxing` flag. Or by using a
[custom `opamrc`](Manual.html#configfield-wrap-build-commands). Use wisely,
broken Makefiles that run `rm -rf /`
[__do__ happen](


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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion doc/pages/
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Expand Up @@ -945,7 +945,7 @@ files.

- <a id="opamfield-conflict-class">`conflict-class: [ <pkgname> ... ]`</a>:
an alternate, symmetric way of defining package conflicts. Conflict classes
defined by this field have the same constraints as package names, but occupy a
defined by this field have the same syntactic constraints as package names, but occupy a
different namespace. Any two packages having a common conflict class will be
considered incompatible. This is useful to define sets of mutually conflicting
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28 changes: 21 additions & 7 deletions src/core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -737,6 +737,15 @@ let print_table ?cut oc ~sep table =
let replace_newlines by =
Re.(replace_string (compile (char '\n')) ~by)
let cleanup_trailing sl =
let rec clean acc = function
| s::r ->
let s' = OpamStd.String.strip_right s in
if s' = "" then clean acc r else List.rev_append r (s'::acc)
| [] -> acc
clean [] (List.rev sl)
let print_line l = match cut with
| `None ->
let s = (replace_newlines "\\n") l |> String.concat sep in
Expand All @@ -758,15 +767,20 @@ let print_table ?cut oc ~sep table =
let rec split_at_overflows start_col acc cur =
let append = function
| [] -> acc
| last::r -> List.rev (OpamStd.String.strip last :: r) :: acc
| last::r -> List.rev (OpamStd.String.strip_right last :: r) :: acc
| [] -> List.rev (append cur)
| cell::rest ->
let multiline = String.contains cell '\n' in
let cell_lines = OpamStd.String.split cell '\n' in
let cell_width =
List.fold_left max 0 ( visual_length cell_lines)
let text_width =
List.fold_left max 0
( visual_length (OpamStd.String.split cell '\n'))
( (fun s -> visual_length (OpamStd.String.strip_right s))
let end_col = start_col + sep_len + cell_width in
let indent ~sep n cell =
Expand All @@ -779,10 +793,10 @@ let print_table ?cut oc ~sep table =
(OpamStd.String.split cell '\n')
if end_col < width then
if start_col + sep_len + text_width <= width then
if multiline then
let cell =
indent ~sep:true start_col (OpamStd.String.strip cell)
indent ~sep:true start_col (OpamStd.String.strip_right cell)
split_at_overflows margin (append (cell::cur)) [] rest
Expand All @@ -791,14 +805,14 @@ let print_table ?cut oc ~sep table =
width - start_col - max_sep_len >= min_reformat_width
let cell =
OpamStd.String.strip cell |> fun cell ->
OpamStd.String.strip_right cell |> fun cell ->
reformat ~width:(width - start_col - max_sep_len) cell |>
indent ~sep:true start_col
split_at_overflows margin acc (cell::cur) []
else if multiline || margin + cell_width >= width then
let cell =
OpamStd.String.strip cell |> fun cell ->
OpamStd.String.strip_right cell |> fun cell ->
reformat ~width:(width - margin) cell |> fun cell ->
OpamStd.String.split cell '\n' |>
OpamStd.List.concat_map ("\n" ^ indent_string)
Expand All @@ -817,7 +831,7 @@ let print_table ?cut oc ~sep table =
output_string str;
List.iter print_line table
List.iter (fun l -> print_line (cleanup_trailing l)) table

(* This allows OpamStd.Config.env to display warning messages *)
let () =
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5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/core/
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Expand Up @@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ module OpamSys = struct
let cmd =
List.find Sys.file_exists ( (fun d -> Filename.concat d cmd) path)
let ic = Unix.open_process_in (cmd^" "^args^" 2>/dev/null") in
let ic = Unix.open_process_in (cmd^" "^args) in
let r = f ic in
ignore (Unix.close_process_in ic) ; r
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -766,7 +766,8 @@ module OpamSys = struct
with e ->
fatal e;
with_process_in "ps" (Printf.sprintf "-p %d -o comm=" ppid)
with_process_in "ps"
(Printf.sprintf "-p %d -o comm= 2>/dev/null" ppid)
(fun ic -> Some (input_line ic))
| Unix.Unix_error _ | Sys_error _ | Failure _ | End_of_file | Not_found ->
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/state/
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Expand Up @@ -728,7 +728,7 @@ let warns_to_string ws =
| `Error -> OpamConsole.colorise `red "error"
OpamStd.Format.reformat ~indent:14
(Printf.sprintf " %15s %2d: %s" ws n s))
(Printf.sprintf " %16s %2d: %s" ws n s))

(* Package definition loading *)
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