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Effects based on Stack Switching proposal
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vouillon committed Feb 26, 2025
1 parent 5f1365e commit 4d6ce8e
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Showing 8 changed files with 269 additions and 17 deletions.
5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions .github/workflows/build-wasm_of_ocaml.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -214,12 +214,12 @@ jobs:
run: opam exec -- dune build @runtest-wasm --profile with-effects

- name: Run tests (WASI runtime - node)
if: ${{ matrix.wasi }}
if: ${{ false }}
working-directory: ./wasm_of_ocaml
run: opam exec -- dune build @runtest-wasm --profile wasi

- name: Run tests (WASI runtime - wasmtime)
if: ${{ matrix.wasi }}
if: ${{ false }}
working-directory: ./wasm_of_ocaml
WASM_ENGINE: wasmtime
Expand All @@ -233,7 +233,6 @@ jobs:
working-directory: ./wasm_of_ocaml
WASM_ENGINE: wizard-fast
continue-on-error: true
run: opam exec -- dune build @runtest-wasm --profile wasi

- name: Run Base tests
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions compiler/lib-wasm/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ let common_options () =
; "--enable-nontrapping-float-to-int"
; "--enable-strings"
; "--enable-multimemory" (* To keep wasm-merge happy *)
; "--enable-stack-switching"
if Config.Flag.pretty () then "-g" :: l else l
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions compiler/tests-jsoo/lib-effects/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
(:standard --enable effects))))
; (wasi
; (wasm_of_ocaml
; (flags
; (:standard --enable effects))))
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions compiler/tests-ocaml/effect-syntax/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
(:standard --enable=effects))))
; (wasi
; (wasm_of_ocaml
; (flags
; (:standard --enable=effects))))
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions compiler/tests-ocaml/effects/dune
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
(:standard --enable=effects))))
; (wasi
; (wasm_of_ocaml
; (flags
; (:standard --enable=effects))))
Expand Down
242 changes: 242 additions & 0 deletions runtime/wasm/effect-native.wat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
(@if wasi
(import "fail" "caml_raise_constant"
(func $caml_raise_constant (param (ref eq))))
(import "fail" "caml_raise_with_arg"
(func $caml_raise_with_arg (param $tag (ref eq)) (param $arg (ref eq))))
(import "obj" "caml_fresh_oo_id"
(func $caml_fresh_oo_id (param (ref eq)) (result (ref eq))))
(import "obj" "cont_tag" (global $cont_tag i32))
(import "stdlib" "caml_named_value"
(func $caml_named_value (param (ref eq)) (result (ref null eq))))
(import "fail" "ocaml_exception" (tag $ocaml_exception (param (ref eq))))
(import "fail" "javascript_exception"
(tag $javascript_exception (param externref)))
(import "jslib" "caml_wrap_exception"
(func $caml_wrap_exception (param externref) (result (ref eq))))
(import "stdlib" "caml_main_wrapper"
(global $caml_main_wrapper (mut (ref null $wrapper_func))))
(import "effect" "effect_allowed" (global $effect_allowed (mut i32)))

(type $block (array (mut (ref eq))))
(type $bytes (array (mut i8)))
(type $function_1 (func (param (ref eq) (ref eq)) (result (ref eq))))
(type $closure (sub (struct (;(field i32);) (field (ref $function_1)))))
(type $function_3
(func (param (ref eq) (ref eq) (ref eq) (ref eq)) (result (ref eq))))
(type $closure_3
(sub $closure
(struct (field (ref $function_1)) (field (ref $function_3)))))

;; Effect types

(tag $effect (param (ref eq)) (result (ref eq) (ref eq)))

(type $cont_function (func (param (ref eq) (ref eq)) (result (ref eq))))

(type $cont (cont $cont_function))

(type $handlers
(field $value (ref eq))
(field $exn (ref eq))
(field $effect (ref eq))))

(type $fiber
(field $handlers (mut (ref $handlers)))
(field $cont (ref $cont))))

;; Unhandled effects

(@string $effect_unhandled "Effect.Unhandled")

(func $raise_unhandled
(param $eff (ref eq)) (param (ref eq)) (result (ref eq))
(block $null
(call $caml_raise_with_arg
(br_on_null $null
(call $caml_named_value (global.get $effect_unhandled)))
(local.get $eff)))
(call $caml_raise_constant
(array.new_fixed $block 3 (ref.i31 (i32.const 248))
(global.get $effect_unhandled)
(call $caml_fresh_oo_id (ref.i31 (i32.const 0)))))
(ref.i31 (i32.const 0)))

(global $raise_unhandled (ref $closure)
( $closure (ref.func $raise_unhandled)))

(type $func (func (result (ref eq))))
(type $wrapper_func (func (param (ref $func))))
(type $func_closure (struct (field (ref $func))))

(func $wrapper_cont
(param $f (ref eq)) (param (ref eq)) (result (ref eq))
(return_call_ref $func
(local.get $f)
(struct.get $func_closure 0
(ref.cast (ref $func_closure) (local.get $f)))))

(func $unhandled_effect_wrapper (param $start (ref $func))
(local $cont (ref $cont))
(local $f (ref eq)) (local $v (ref eq))
(local $resume_res (tuple (ref eq) (ref $cont)))
(local.set $cont ( $cont (ref.func $wrapper_cont)))
(local.set $f ( $func_closure (local.get $start)))
(local.set $v (ref.i31 (i32.const 0)))
(loop $loop
(local.set $resume_res
(block $handle_effect (result (ref eq) (ref $cont))
(resume $cont (on $effect $handle_effect)
(local.get $f) (local.get $v) (local.get $cont))
(local.set $cont (tuple.extract 2 1 (local.get $resume_res)))
(local.set $v (tuple.extract 2 0 (local.get $resume_res)))
(local.set $f (global.get $raise_unhandled))
(br $loop)))

(func $init
(global.set $caml_main_wrapper (ref.func $unhandled_effect_wrapper)))

(start $init)

;; Resume

(@string $already_resumed "Effect.Continuation_already_resumed")

(func $resume (export "%resume")
(param $vfiber (ref eq)) (param $f (ref eq)) (param $v (ref eq))
(param $tail (ref eq)) (result (ref eq))
(local $fiber (ref $fiber))
(local $res (ref eq))
(local $exn (ref eq))
(local $resume_res (tuple (ref eq) (ref $cont)))
(if (ref.eq (local.get $vfiber) (ref.i31 (i32.const 0)))
(call $caml_raise_constant
(call $caml_named_value (global.get $already_resumed))))))
(local.set $fiber (ref.cast (ref $fiber) (local.get $vfiber)))
(local.set $exn
(block $handle_exception (result (ref eq))
(local.set $resume_res
(block $handle_effect (result (ref eq) (ref $cont))
(local.set $res
(try (result (ref eq))
(resume $cont
(on $effect $handle_effect)
(local.get $f) (local.get $v)
(struct.get $fiber $cont (local.get $fiber))))
(@if (not wasi)
(catch $javascript_exception
(br $handle_exception
(call $caml_wrap_exception (pop externref))))
(catch $ocaml_exception
(br $handle_exception (pop (ref eq))))))
;; handle return
(return_call_ref $function_1 (local.get $res)
(local.tee $f
(struct.get $handlers $value
(struct.get $fiber $handlers (local.get $fiber))))
(struct.get $closure 0
(ref.cast (ref $closure) (local.get $f))))))
;; handle effect
(return_call_ref $function_3
(tuple.extract 2 0 (local.get $resume_res))
(array.new_fixed $block 3 (ref.i31 (global.get $cont_tag))
( $fiber
(struct.get $fiber $handlers (local.get $fiber))
(tuple.extract 2 1 (local.get $resume_res)))
(ref.i31 (i32.const 0)))
(local.get $tail)
(local.tee $f
(struct.get $handlers $effect
(struct.get $fiber $handlers (local.get $fiber))))
(struct.get $closure_3 1
(ref.cast (ref $closure_3) (local.get $f))))))
;; handle exception
(return_call_ref $function_1 (local.get $exn)
(local.tee $f
(struct.get $handlers $exn
(struct.get $fiber $handlers (local.get $fiber))))
(struct.get $closure 0 (ref.cast (ref $closure) (local.get $f)))))

;; Perform

(func (export "%reperform")
(param $eff (ref eq)) (param $cont (ref eq)) (param $tail (ref eq))
(result (ref eq))
(local $res (tuple (ref eq) (ref eq)))
(local.set $res (suspend $effect (local.get $eff)))
(return_call $resume
(array.get $block
(ref.cast (ref $block) (local.get $cont))
(i32.const 1)))
(tuple.extract 2 0 (local.get $res))
(tuple.extract 2 1 (local.get $res))
(local.get $tail)))

(func (export "%perform") (param $eff (ref eq)) (result (ref eq))
(local $res (tuple (ref eq) (ref eq)))
(if (i32.eqz (global.get $effect_allowed))
(return_call $raise_unhandled
(local.get $eff) (ref.i31 (i32.const 0)))))
(local.set $res (suspend $effect (local.get $eff)))
(return_call_ref $function_1 (tuple.extract 2 1 (local.get $res))
(tuple.extract 2 0 (local.get $res))
(struct.get $closure 0
(ref.cast (ref $closure) (tuple.extract 2 0 (local.get $res))))))

;; Allocate a stack

(func $initial_cont
(param $f (ref eq)) (param $x (ref eq)) (result (ref eq))
(return_call_ref $function_1 (local.get $x)
(local.get $f)
(struct.get $closure 0 (ref.cast (ref $closure) (local.get $f)))))

(func (export "caml_alloc_stack")
(param $hv (ref eq)) (param $hx (ref eq)) (param $hf (ref eq))
(result (ref eq))
( $fiber
( $handlers (local.get $hv) (local.get $hx) (local.get $hf))
( $cont (ref.func $initial_cont))))

;; Other functions

(func $caml_continuation_use_noexc (export "caml_continuation_use_noexc")
(param (ref eq)) (result (ref eq))
(local $cont (ref $block))
(local $stack (ref eq))
(drop (block $used (result (ref eq))
(local.set $cont (ref.cast (ref $block) (local.get 0)))
(local.set $stack
(br_on_cast_fail $used (ref eq) (ref $fiber)
(array.get $block (local.get $cont) (i32.const 1))))
(array.set $block (local.get $cont) (i32.const 1)
(ref.i31 (i32.const 0)))
(return (local.get $stack))))
(ref.i31 (i32.const 0)))

(func (export "caml_continuation_use_and_update_handler_noexc")
(param $cont (ref eq)) (param $hval (ref eq)) (param $hexn (ref eq))
(param $heff (ref eq)) (result (ref eq))
(local $stack (ref eq))
(local.set $stack (call $caml_continuation_use_noexc (local.get $cont)))
(drop (block $used (result (ref eq))
(struct.set $fiber $handlers
(br_on_cast_fail $used (ref eq) (ref $fiber)
(local.get $stack))
( $handlers
(local.get $hval) (local.get $hexn) (local.get $heff)))
(ref.i31 (i32.const 0))))
(local.get $stack))
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions runtime/wasm/effect.wat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
(call $caml_fresh_oo_id (ref.i31 (i32.const 0)))))
(ref.i31 (i32.const 0)))

(global $effect_allowed (mut i32) (i32.const 1))
(global $effect_allowed (export "effect_allowed") (mut i32) (i32.const 1))

(@if (not wasi)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -375,7 +375,6 @@
( $handlers (local.get $hv) (local.get $hx) (local.get $hf))
( $cont (ref.func $initial_cont))
(ref.null $fiber)))

;; Other functions

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -406,6 +405,7 @@
(local.get $hval) (local.get $hexn) (local.get $heff)))
(ref.i31 (i32.const 0))))
(local.get $stack))

(func (export "caml_get_continuation_callstack")
(param (ref eq) (ref eq)) (result (ref eq))
Expand Down
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions runtime/wasm/stdlib.wat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -214,6 +214,11 @@
(call $caml_main (ref.func $reraise_exception)))

(type $wrapper_func (func (param (ref $func))))
(global $caml_main_wrapper (export "caml_main_wrapper")
(mut (ref null $wrapper_func))
(ref.null $wrapper_func))

(func $caml_main (export "caml_main") (param $start (ref func))
(local $exn (ref eq))
(local $msg (ref eq))
Expand All @@ -226,6 +231,11 @@
(block $fallback
(call_ref $wrapper_func
(ref.cast (ref $func) (local.get $start))
(br_on_null $fallback (global.get $caml_main_wrapper)))
(drop (call_ref $func (ref.cast (ref $func) (local.get $start)))))
(catch $ocaml_exit)
(catch $ocaml_exception
Expand Down

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