Now that everyone is doing home office, a no nonesense VPN system is super helpful. Wireguard fits the bill perfectly for many of our customers.
To simplify account creation I have created a little perlscript. Here some instructions to get everything going on an ubuntu system
- install the wireguard module
$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wireguard/wireguard
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install wireguard qrencode perl curl mutt firehol
- setup a configuration file for your wireguard interface
# cd /etc/wireguard
# chmod 700 .
# wget
# unzip
# mv wg-adduser/* .
# rmdir wg-adduser
# cat <<CONFIG_END
# the address of your new VPN subnet
Address = 10.x.y.0/24
# this is the 'standard' wireguard port
ListenPort = 51819
# create a private key running `wg genkey`
PrivateKey = xxxx
edit the
to match your requirements -
make wireguard start automatically
$ sudo systemctl enable [email protected]
$ sudo systemctl start [email protected]
- make the firewall work
enable firehol in /etc/default/firehol
# To enable firehol at startup set START_FIREHOL=YES (init script variable)
# If you want to have firehol wait for an iface to be up add it here
configure firehol in /etc/firehol/firehol.conf
version 6
### nat all trafic not going to our local network since our
### router would not route the vpn trafic to the outside world
### otherwhise
ipv4 snat to $GWIP outface $LOCALIF src $VPNNET dst not $LOCALNET
### Accept all client traffic on any interface
interface wg0 wg-if
policy accept
interface $LOCALIF ${LOCALIF}-if
policy accept
router4 wg2lan inface wg0 outface eno1
policy accept
obviously your firewall requirements may be more complex, so be sure to read up on
- start the firewall
# firehol try
This command creates an account and sends an invitation email. Make sure email works on the system.
# cd /etc/wireguard
# ./ some@email-adderss "comment"