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offtools edited this page May 23, 2014 · 11 revisions

Welcome to the BLive wiki!

BLive is a blender addon which connects the blender ui with the gameengine, it combines the speed of the gameengine with the flexibility of the blender ui. Possible applications are projections on multiple surfaces or videomapping.

A simple demonstration of the current features can be found on this video:

BLive Demonstration

If you grab BLive from git you have to rename the BLive-master folder into blive, otherwise the addon will not work.


  • Multiple Viewports for multi projector setups
  • Media Playback and Playlists (FFmpeg Videotexture)
  • receive and handle DMX (via OSC) from QLCPlus
  • OSC wrapper of the bge API (partly done, see BLive/gameengine for details)
  • Trigger OSC Actions from the NLA timeline
  • realtime UVMap manipulation in the gameengine

BLive is a blender addon which connects the blender ui with the gameengine, it combines the speed of the gameengine with the flexibility of the blender ui. Possible applications are projections on multiple surfaces or videomapping.

A simple demonstration of the current features can be found on this video:

BLive Demonstration

If you grab BLive from git you have to rename the BLive-master folder into blive, otherwise the addon will not work.


  • Multiple Viewports for multi projector setup
  • Media Playback and Playlists (FFmpeg Videotexture)
  • receive and handle DMX (via OSC) from QLCPlus
  • OSC wrapper of the bge API (partly done, see BLive/gameengine for details)
  • Trigger OSC Actions from the NLA timeline
  • realtime UVMap manipulation in the gameengine


Click on a videofile in the Filebrowser and add to the Texture cuelist by clicking the "+" button. You can add multiple Files to a single Texture cuelist and play them one after another in the gameengine. ###simple-videotexture-nla-trigger.blend This example demonstrates how to use Trigger in addition to normal Actions in the NLA Editor. Triggers can be assigned to markers. They are executed if the player reaches the marker. Trigger Types are (Start/Stop/Pause Videos, Change active Scene, Run a script e.g) The Example shows how to start a Video at the first marker, there's also an Action aligned to the marker, which does a fade in of the Video at the same time. You need to change the filepath of the Video.

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