Reports on Power and Battery information
- Power Supply information (Energy Saving settings)
- Sleep / Wake settings
- Other Power related information from pmset
- Battery information Note: Battery condition can fluctuate between "Service Battery" and "Normal".
Data can be viewed at
- Power under Listings menu
- Power tab on the client details page
- Power widgets under Reports menu
- Batteries under Listing menu
- Battery tab on the client details page
- manufacture_date - VARCHAR(255) - Date of battery's manufacture
- design_capacity - INT(11) - Design capacity of battery
- max_capacity - INT(11) - Maximum capacity of battery
- max_percent - INT(11) - Maximum percent of battery
- current_capacity - INT(11) - Current capacity of battery
- current_percent - INT(11) - Current percent of battery
- cycle_count - INT(11) - Amount of battery cycles
- temperature - INT(11) - Temperature of battery
- condition - VARCHAR(255) - Current battery condition
- sleep_prevented_by - TEXT - List of processes preventing sleep
- hibernatefile - VARCHAR(255) - Path of hibernate file
- schedule - VARCHAR(255) - Scheduled events
- adapter_id - VARCHAR(255) - ID of power adapter
- family_code - VARCHAR(255) - Family code of adapter
- adapter_serial_number - VARCHAR(255) - Serial number of adapter
- combined_sys_load - VARCHAR(255) - Combined system load status
- user_sys_load - VARCHAR(255) - User system load status
- thermal_level - VARCHAR(255) - Therm level status
- battery_level - VARCHAR(255) - Battery level status
- ups_name - VARCHAR(255) - Name of UPS
- active_profile - VARCHAR(255) - Currently active power profile
- ups_charging_status - VARCHAR(255) - Charging status of UPS
- externalconnected - VARCHAR(255) - Is power adapter connected
- cellvoltage - VARCHAR(255) - Voltage levels of battery cells
- manufacturer - VARCHAR(255) - Manufacturer of battery
- batteryserialnumber - VARCHAR(255) - Serial number of battery
- fullycharged - VARCHAR(255) - Is battery fully charged
- ischarging - VARCHAR(255) - Is battery charging
- standbydelay - INT(11) - Seconds until standby
- standby - INT(11) - Standby enabled
- womp - INT(11) - Wake-on-Magic-Packet enabled
- halfdim - INT(11) - Dim display on this power source
- gpuswitch - INT(11) - Automatic GPU switching enabled
- sms - INT(11) - Sudden motion sensor enabled
- networkoversleep - INT(11) - Network over sleep enabled
- disksleep - INT(11) - Minutes until disk sleeps
- sleep - INT(11) - Minutes until system sleeps
- autopoweroffdelay - INT(11) - Minutes until auto power off
- hibernatemode - INT(11) - Hibernate mode
- autopoweroff - INT(11) - Is auto power off enabled
- ttyskeepawake - INT(11) - Keep awake when remote TTY session is active
- displaysleep - INT(11) - Minutes until display sleeps
- acwake - INT(11) - Wake when connected/disconnected from AC
- lidwake - INT(11) - Wake when lid is opened
- sleep_on_power_button - INT(11) - Sleep if power button is pressed
- autorestart - INT(11) - Automatically restart on kernel panic
- destroyfvkeyonstandby - INT(11) - Destroy FileVault keys on standby
- powernap - INT(11) - Power Nap enabled
- haltlevel - INT(11) - Shut down/sleep when UPS reaches this percent
- haltafter - INT(11) - Shut down/sleep after running on UPS for this long
- haltremain - INT(11) - Shut down/sleep when this many minutes remain on UPS
- lessbright - INT(11) - Dim display on this power source, legacy
- sleep_count - INT(11) - Amount of times machine has slept since boot
- dark_wake_count - INT(11) - Amount of dark wakes since boot
- user_wake_count - INT(11) - Amount of time machine has woken up since boot
- wattage - INT(11) - Wattage of power adapter
- backgroundtask - INT(11) - Is a background task preventing sleep
- applepushservicetask - INT(11) - Is an Apple push service task preventing sleep
- userisactive - INT(11) - Is an active user preventing sleep
- preventuseridledisplaysleep - INT(11) - Keep display awake when user is idle
- preventsystemsleep - INT(11) - Keep system awake
- externalmedia - INT(11) - Is extneral media keeping machine awake
- preventuseridlesystemsleep - INT(11) - Keep system awake when user is idle
- networkclientactive - INT(11) - Is a network client keeping machine awake
- cpu_scheduler_limit - INT(11) - CPU scheduler throttle limit
- cpu_available_cpus - INT(11) - How many CPUs are available for tasks
- cpu_speed_limit - INT(11) - CPU thermal throttle limit
- ups_percent - INT(11) - Percent of UPS power
- timeremaining - INT(11) - Time remaining until fully charged or fully discharged
- instanttimetoempty - INT(11) - Estimated instant time to empty battery
- voltage - FLOAT - Batter voltage level
- permanentfailurestatus - INT(11) - Has battery permanently failed
- packreserve - INT(11) - mAh of battery reserve power
- avgtimetofull - INT(11) - Estimated time until full battery
- amperage - FLOAT - Amperage of battery
- designcyclecount - INT(11) - Design cycle count of battery
- avgtimetoempty - INT(11) - Estimated time until empty battery