This ToDo app allows users to add, edit, complete, and delete tasks. Tasks are saved in the local storage, so they persist even after the page is refreshed.
- Overview
- Table of Contents
- Features
- Technologies Used
- Demo
- Some design inspirations
- Some helpful resources
- License
Add Tasks: Add new tasks to your to-do list.
Edit Tasks: Modify existing tasks.
Complete Tasks: Mark tasks as complete or incomplete.
Delete Tasks: Remove tasks from the list.
Persistent Storage: Tasks are stored in local storage, ensuring data persistence across page reloads.
Some further requirements:
the input field must be reset when the add button is clicked on
prevent empty values from being added to the list
the todo list must show the most recently added item first on the list
- JavaScript
You can view the live demo of this project here.
This project is not licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details. Feel free to adjust any sections according to your project’s specifics and needs!