This is a guide to deploy Jira Datacenter on Google Kubernetes Engine
This is my first post related to Infra as a code to deploy Atlassian products. Hope you enjoy and use (or part of) it to deploy your own infrastructure… by the way this is my first KB/article on Github/Linkedin too :-)
Let me explain why I did this…
I´m working at a customer that is evaluating some applications to move to Kubernetes and since I am the “Atlassian guy” here I took the Jira Datacenter running on kubernetes POC challenge.
Well.. challenge accepted and now? 🤔
I have a lot of expertise related to Servers, Collaboration, Network Infrastructure and deploying Jira Datacenter on Azure using the blueprint provided by Atlassian as example, but I didn´t touch Kubernetes previously. So, my firts step was learn about it. I suggest you to take the Coursera course offered by Google. I made it and received a certificate (
Then, since I received some credits at GCP, I decided to use it as my Cloud Provider (you can use any other to do that, but in my example we will use everything that works and fit for GKE - Google Kubernetes Engine).
Take in consideration that this is a simple deployment without SSL with a lot of space for improvements and you can use it as start point to make your own.
Let´s start the CookBook 😋
Since an image spokes for thousand words... The following diagram explain how I deployed the environment.
To deploy that info I made a research and read hundreds of sites and knowledge articles from Google, Kubernetes Github, Medium Articles, articles, StackOverFlow posts… but my special thanks go to Praqma and Steven Hipwell whose I learned a lot from their articles.
Let´s end the smooth talk and jump to the code.
Our pre-requisites are:
- A previously PostgreSQL instance to adjust the parameters on values.yaml to passthrough the variables to the Jira Pods. - /
- A FileStore Instance to be used as SharedHome (on other Cloud Providers you can create a NFS Disk directly from Helm, but not at GCP yet). - /
1 - On the Google Cloud, after create a Cluster (, go to Cloud Shell and pull the repository:
git clone
2 - Create the Shared Persistent Disk first (nfs-pv.yaml file inside templates folder). Edit with the Sharefolder and IP address of NFS Disk created previously following the steps below:
#edit the nfs-pv.yaml file to adjust properties
vi jira/templates/nfs-pv.yaml
#deploy the NFS Persistent Volume
kubectl apply -f jira/templates/nfs-pv.yaml
3 - After that, create a service account named Jira with the following command:
kubectl apply -f jira/templates/serviceaccount.yaml
4 - Take a look on the Helm file (values.yaml) and edit the necessary parameters. ** THIS IS IMPORTANT** And them, edit it to match your needs:
vi jira/values.yaml
5 - Deploy the remaining artifacts using Helm:
helm install jira jira
At the time I created this article, unfortunately I needed to shutdown my environment due to lack of funds. 🤑