Provision VM for your blockchain local developement environment!
- vagrant
- vmware or virtualbox etc...
- zsh / oh-my-zsh
- curl, git, cmake, vim, net-tools, jq, direnv, unzip
- nodejs
- pnpm
- golang
- foundry
- awscli
- terraform
- kubectl
Install vagrant ENV Plugin
$vagrant plugin install vagrant-env
configure your env
cp .env.example .env
and fill value
change ubuntu image
Use the specific ubuntu image for your host arch. You can find them on the following page
# Vagrantfile = "bento/ubuntu-22.04-arm64"
change host name what you want
# Vagrantfile config.vm.hostname = "your-vm-hostname" config.vm.define "your-vm-hostname"
$vagrant up
$vagrant suspend
$vagrant destroy
input ssh-config
$vagrant ssh-config >> ~/.ssh
select host in vscode
- open your vscode
- shift + command + p
- select
Remote-SSH: Connect to Host
- select your vm host