This is just a basic wrapper around 'Spout' ( It will read a spreadsheet and convert it to a PHP array, and can take a PHP array and convert it to an excel file.
Just do a composer require ohffs/simple-spout
namespace App\Whatever;
use Ohffs\SimpleSpout\ExcelSheet;
class Thing
public function something()
// plain import to array
$data = (new ExcelSheet)->import('/tmp/spreadsheet.xlsx');
// if you want each cell to have whitespace trimmed from the beginning/end
$data = (new ExcelSheet)->trimmedImport('/tmp/spreadsheet.xlsx');
// import just the very first sheet
$data = (new ExcelSheet)->importFirst('/tmp/spreadsheet.xlsx');
// import a specific sheet
$data = (new ExcelSheet)->importSheet('/tmp/spreadsheet.xlsx', 3); // 0-indexed
// import the 'active' sheet (ie, the one that was open when the file was saved)
$data = (new ExcelSheet)->importActive('/tmp/spreadsheet.xlsx');
public function somethingElse()
$data = [
['smith', 'sarah-jane', 'companion'],
['baker', 'tom', 'doctor'],
$filename = (new ExcelSheet)->generate($data);
// or
(new ExcelSheet)->generate($data, '/data/spreadsheet.xlsx');