Release v1.11.0.0
Special thanks to @GilesBathgate who provided an excellent contribution to this release.
- Added registry values aggregator (
):new RegKey(fullSetup, RegistryHive.LocalMachine, @"Software\My Company\My Product", new RegValue("Message", "Hello"), new RegValue("Count", 777)),
- Issue #699: Wix Error for ServiceInstaller if at least one ServiceConfig parameter is not specified
- Improvements to DigitalSignature to allow loading cert by sha1hash
- Implemented custom message dialog instead (of the default MessageBox.Show) for displaying error message (if any detected) during the MSI session.
- Issue #688: Adding prompt to CloseApplication prevents installer from completing.
- Issue #683. Close MSI Interop handles when getting data from MSI
- Issue #672: outdir and BuildMsiCmd fails because the outdir is not created
- Issue #670: msi is always creating root folder, even if feature is disabled