A LIRC-Plugin (i.e. driver) for "yaUsbIR V3 LIRC USB IR Empfänger/Sender/Einschalter"
Just google for "yaUsbIR V3" and you quickly find info about this little InfraRed-Receiver/Transmitter/PowerSwitch-device
- Work in progress
- At the moment this is just a quick'n'dirty "Eclipse CDT" project (i.e. no Makefile or so).
- For the impatient: a precompiled lib is avaible in
(provided 'as is') - Logging not yet proper. It just prints to stdout.
Use Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers and invoke a build. Then use the well-known LIRC-Tools like this:
mode2 -U bin/ -H oli_yausbir
xmode2 -U bin/ -H oli_yausbir
irrecord -U bin/ -H oli_yausbir
- etc...
To use your compiled version: replace -U bin/
by -U Debug/
or -U Release/
Finally copy the compile/link-result liboli_yausbir.so
to directory /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/lirc/plugins/
(Cross-check with property plugindir
in your /etc/lirc/lirc_options.conf
). Then you don't need to specify -U ...
any more.
To avoid setting the driver explicit with -H oli_yausbir
you can also set it globally in /etc/lirc/lirc_options.conf
driver = oli_yausbir
The yaUsbIr-Board understands several control-commands. This PlugIn-driver here supports sending such control-commands (Note: Sending 'any' IR-Codes with a real IR-Trasmitter-LED - which must be attached to the yaUsbIr-Board - is not yet supported)
You need to copy yaUsbIR_V3_lircd.conf to /etc/lirc/lircd.conf.d/
and (re)start lircd
first before you can can anything with irsend
Check if "sending control-commands" work by switching the red LED (on yaUsbIr-Board) on and off:
irsend SEND_ONCE yaUsbIR_control C_IR 8 0 C_END
turn offirsend SEND_ONCE yaUsbIR_control C_IR 8 1 C_END
turn on
The most relevant command for you then probably is:
irsend SEND_ONCE yaUsbIR_control C_IR 1 1 0 C_END
to start learning the "Power-IR-Code"
See [Anleitung_yaUsbIR V3.4.pdf](./yaUsbir-Doc/Anleitung_yaUsbIR V3.4.pdf) for details and a list of all commands.
Write this into /lib/udev/rules.d/99-yausbir.rules
to give normal user access to the USB-Device.
Other wise you have to start all tools (xmode2
, irrecord
, etc) as root.
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="10c4", ATTRS{idProduct}=="876c", MODE="0666"
Simply reboot to take effect