Display looping GIF animations with Macroquad.
The animation will loop forever, regardless of how many iterations are set in the file.
Documentation on docs.rs
There is a binary file included that can be used to show a GIF file.
quad-gif 0.3.0
Display a GIF file.
Usage: quad-gif <file>
The library can be used in a Macroquad application to show an animation.
use macroquad::prelude::*;
use quad_gif;
async fn main() {
let mut animation = quad_gif::GifAnimation::load("animation.gif".to_string()).await;
loop {
Copyright 2022 Olle Wreede, released under the MIT License.
Animated Ferris in Action by A. L. Palmer
Happy as a Rustacean at Rust Fest Berlin 2016 (www.rustfest.eu)