Log - click here to see my progress
- Experiment +5 min with code per day
- 0-24 days completed
- 25-49 days completed
- 50-74 days completed
- 75-99 days completed
- Become better at using Markdown language
- Re-evaluate my goals and add/remove goals at least once
- Added a new goal about virtual environments
- Learn how, why and when I should use virtual environments
- Learn more about the different default interactive shells
- Learn how to resolve git conflicts using the terminal
- Learn basic VIM commands
- Manage to run +HospitalRun localy
- Participate in a code project outside of work
- Learn more vanilla JS (by completing JavaScript30 by Wesbos)
- Learn more React.js
- Create a Todo app
- Add Redux to the Todo app
- Add the ability to add a note to the Todo
- Refactor and use Hooks in the Todo app
- Style the Todo app w plain CSS
- Style the Todo app w Bootstrap
- Style the Todo app w Styled Components
- Make a Personal Website
- Use a single API call in an app
- Webcam Navigator web API
- Use multiple API calls in an app
- Create a full-stack application
- Make a simple app for mobile
- Learn basic CSS
- Understand how to center different elements vertically/horizontally using css
- Understart how to group elements
- Remix a project on Glitch
- Export a project from Codepen and edit it localy
- Animate UI
- Increase the size of an element on click
- Animate a dropdown
- Animate movement in the background of a homepage
- Manipulate an image with code
- using get imageData and then processing the pixels. Day 11
- Trigger sound via code
- snap sound taking pictures. Day 11
- alarm sound on timer completion. Day 27
- Trigger visuals via code
- Use AI for something
- Create a simple bot
- Automate something via code
- Ask 6 questions on StackOverflow
- Answer 3 questions on StackOverflow
- Get +3 badges on StackOverflow
First 25 days | Day 26-50 | Day 51-75 | Last 25 days |
front-end dev | App dev | Poetic Comp. | Co-op dev. |
Give a man a program, frustrate him for a day.
Teach a man to program, frustrate him for a lifetime. - Muhammad Waseem