This project applies Reinforcement Learning algorithms to solve Sokoban puzzles. The following algorithms have been implemented:
- Monte Carlo Policy Optimization
- Temporal Difference Learning
- Actor-Critic
To solve a puzzle using one of our algorithms, run:
python .\ <puzzle_file> <algorithm>
Algorithms: monte_carlo, td_learning, reinforce, actor_critic
The following algorithms from stable_baselines3 are also available:
- Proximal Policy Optimization
- Asynchronous Advantage Actor Critic
- Deep Q-Network
To solve a puzzle using a stable_baselines3 algorithm, run:
python .\ <puzzle_file> <algorithm>
Algorithms: PPO, A2C, DQN
python .\ .\data\puzzles\level_1.txt monte_carlo
python .\ .\data\puzzles\level_2.txt PPO
To solve a puzzle using non-RL algorithms (BFS, A*...), cd into sokoban-solver-generator (a fork of xbandrade's repository ).