Latest Release: 3.3.0 2025-02-14
The postgres-operator is a controller that runs within a Kubernetes cluster that provides a means to deploy and manage PostgreSQL clusters.
Please view the official Crunchy Data PostgreSQL Operator documentation here. If you are interested in contributing or making an update to the documentation, please view the Contributing Guidelines.
To build and deploy the Operator on your Kubernetes system, follow the instructions documented on the Installation page.
If you’re seeking to upgrade your existing Operator installation, please visit the Upgrading the Operator page. Also read the Release Notes as to details on recent changes to the Operator.
More design information is found on the How It Works page.
The operator is template-driven; this makes it simple to configure both the client and the operator. The configuration options are documented on the Configuration page.
postgres-operator commands are documented on the Getting Started page.