released this
16 May 11:07
Make unfocus ("blur") much faster (#674 ) [8b18061 ]
Fix typo (#673 ) [7fdcbe8 ]
Test against 1.14 and remove 1.12 [d5c2ad6 ]
Test if a coverprofile content is empty before checking its latest character (#670 ) [14d9fa2 ]
replace tail package with maintained one. this fixes go get errors (#667 ) [4ba33d4 ]
improve ginkgo performance - makes progress on #644 [a14f98e ]
fix convert integration tests [1f8ba69 ]
fix typo succesful -> successful (#663 ) [1ea49cf ]
Fix invalid link (#658 ) [b886136 ]
convert utility : Include comments from source (#657 ) [1077c6d ]
Explain what BDD means [d79e7fb ]
skip race detector test on unsupported platform (#642 ) [f8ab89d ]
Use Dup2 from instead of syscallDup (#638 ) [5d53c55 ]
Fix missing newline in combined coverage file (#641 ) [6a07ea2 ]
check if a spec is run before returning SpecSummary (#645 ) [8850000 ]
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