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Onyx plugin providing read and write facilities for BookKeeper ledgers


In your project file:

[org.onyxplatform/onyx-bookkeeper ""]

In your peer boot-up namespace:

(:require [onyx.plugin.bookkeeper])



Reads the bookkeeper ledger log via repeated chunked calls ...

Catalog entry:

{:onyx/name :read-log
 :onyx/plugin :onyx.plugin.bookkeeper/read-ledgers
 :onyx/type :input
 :onyx/medium :bookkeeper
 :bookkeeper/zookeeper-addr <<ZOOKEEPER_ADDR>>
 :bookkeeper/ledger-start-id <<OPTIONAL_LEDGER_START_INDEX>>
 :bookkeeper/ledger-end-id <<OPTIONAL_LEDGER_END_INDEX>>
 :bookkeeper/no-recovery? false
 :bookkeeper/digest-type :mac
 :bookkeeper/deserializer-fn :your-ns/your-deserializer-fn
 :bookkeeper/password-bytes (.getBytes "YOURPASSWORD")
 :onyx/max-peers 1
 :onyx/batch-size batch-size
 :onyx/doc "Reads a sequence of entries from a BookKeeper ledger"}

Lifecycle entry:

{:lifecycle/task :read-log
 :lifecycle/calls :onyx.plugin.bookkeeper/read-ledgers-calls}

Task will emit a sentinel :done when it reaches the ledger-end-id, or the end of a closed ledger.

key type description
:bookkeeper/zookeeper-addr string ZooKeeper address for the ensemble
:bookkeeper/ledger-start-id integer optional starting id for ledger
:bookkeeper/ledger-end-id integer optional ending id for ledger
:bookkeeper/no-recovery? boolean open non-closed ledger. Job will be completed when ledger is closed
:bookkeeper/digest-type enum BookKeeper digest, either :mac or :crc32
:bookkeeper/deserializer-fn keyword Namespaced keyword pointing to deserialization function
:bookkeeper/password-bytes bytes Password to open the ledger
:checkpoint/force-reset? boolean whether or not checkpointing should be re-initialised from log-start-tx, or 0 in the case of nil
:checkpoint/key any optional global (for a given onyx/tenancy-id) key under which to store the checkpoint information. By default the task-id for the job will be used, in which case checkpointing will only be resumed when a virtual peer crashes, and not when a new job is started.
:bookkeeper/read-buffer integer The number of segments to buffer after partitioning, default is 1000
:bookkeeper/read-max-chunk-size integer optional chunk size to read from the ledger at a time

Writes new data to a newly created BookKeeper ledger.

Catalog entry:

{:onyx/name :write-ledger
 :onyx/plugin :onyx.plugin.bookkeeper/write-ledger
 :onyx/type :output
 :onyx/medium :bookkeeper
 :bookkeeper/zookeeper-addr <<ZOOKEEPER_ADDR>>
 :bookkeeper/digest-type :mac
 :bookkeeper/serializer-fn :your-ns/your-serializer-fn
 :bookkeeper/password-bytes (.getBytes "YOURPASSWORD")
 :onyx/batch-size batch-size
 :onyx/doc "Transacts segments to storage"}

Lifecycle entry:

{:lifecycle/task :write-ledger
 :lifecycle/calls :onyx.plugin.bookkeeper/write-ledger-calls}
key type description
:bookkeeper/zookeeper-addr string ZooKeeper address for the ensemble
:bookkeeper/digest-type enum BookKeeper digest, either :mac or :crc32
:bookkeeper/serializer-fn keyword Namespaced keyword pointing to serialization function
:bookkeeper/password-bytes bytes Password to open the ledger


Pull requests into the master branch are welcomed.


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