Release Notes for OpenPower Firmware v1.13
Package: barreleye-xml
No changes.
Package: firestone-xml
No changes.
Package: garrison-xml
No changes.
Package: habanero-xml
Ben Mashak (1):
- 6a78496 Removed extraneous IPMI definition for power_cap_sensor.
Package: hostboot
Abhishek Agarwal (2):
Amit Kumar (2):
Andre Marin (14):
- f217b3b Fix incorrect RCWs settings for power-on DIMM
- abe5961 Add FW/Cronus VPD integration
- 7c4bd67 Fix p9_mss_utils_to_throttle, create throttles API, attribute cleanup
- 693958a Add mss throttle files L1
- b6fdb22 Add mss throttle files L1
- aa0aea35 Fix throttle procedure & MSS attribute clean up
- 625e85e Fix p9_mss_utils_to_throttle, create throttles API, attribute cleanup
- a10ef71 Add mss throttle files L1
- c143edc Add LRDIMM SPD revision table
- 39fb9cb Fix RCW infrastructure for LRDIMM and RDIMMs
- e5a6100 Add LRDIMM to translation register infrastructure and unit tests.
- 01eb02a Add DDR4 data buffer control words (BCWs) infrastructure & UT's.
- ff34b02 Add a common MRS engine to set up CCS instructions and UTs.
- d1fe32b Add common functionality between RCD and data buffer control word API
Andres Lugo-Reyes (5):
- 7849bdd Add call to update SBE image if nest freq changed in istep 7.3
- aa1aac5 Nest_attributes.xml platform support
- d311df3 HTMGT: OCC Initialization
- bdf8d5b P9 Updates for occ communication code
- 7dda465 HTMGT: Checkpoint Changes
Anusha Reddy Rangareddygari (4):
- 22c7712 FFDC updates - p9_start_cbs
- 0178a84 DD2 updates:p9_sbe_arrayinit,p9_sbe_tp_arrayinit
- 085aaf6 sector buffer,pulse mode attributes
- 8136121 p9_sbe_attr_setup updates
Aravind T Nair (1):
- 09c1608 DIMM RID temporary hack
Ben Gass (1):
- 745a68c Adding prototype for fixChipUnitScomAddrOrTarget to scominfo.
Benjamin Weisenbeck (2):
Bill Hoffa (10):
- 0d9f6d9 Multi-Proc Interrupt Support with Remote LSIs
- 8175fb0 Remove HWP call to p9_extract_sbe_rc
- f3d835d Mask Interrupt Sources Prior to Resetting Interrupt Logic
- fde2240 Pnor DD Changes for AST2500
- 50207e5 Update Bbuild for Regression Testing
- 3b80efa Create function to handle External Interrupts
- 2b91aed Remove ERRL Overwrite in getCacheDeconfig()
- 443df5a Change to correctly set PSI_BRIDGE_BASE_ADDR for nonzero groups
- c300a66 INTRP Reset Workaround for XIVE HW Reset Not Working
- a43fb54 Perform Interrupt ACK + EOI on Master Core Thread 0
Brian Silver (40):
- 7bc64f6 Change memdiags end bounds for sf_read and bg scrub
- e1e8610 Add MCBIST workaround super-fast read & 1R DIMM
- e0676a7 Change polling loop count and initial cal calculation
- 00b8a27 Change TEMP_REFRESH_MODE to default to disabled
- ce9e02b Add support for ATTR_MSS_VPD_MT_WINDAGE_RD_CTR
- 105e205 Change MCA initfile to not divide by 0 if there are no DIMM
- 1e2fdb0 Change phy_scominit to run from p9_mss_scominit step
- c46077d Change p9_mss_scrub to do a sf_write/sf_read on hardware
- 84ed4ae Changes for PHY zctl, bb lock, force_mclk_low
- 1df84ff Change CTLE processing to not be off-by-one
- 0e87a10 Add empty files for training fir setup
- 7326ad3 Changes to limit DLL cal on spare DP8, stop CSS before starting
- b0ab4eb Add RCD parity, clear parity FIR before training
- 962a9dc Change MCBIST DD1 workaround, don't change subtests unless checking rank
- 64ad38c Implement MRW attributes; dram_clks, db_util, 2n_mode
- 1330c90 Add disabled bit processing for DDR PHY initial calibration
- 1495fc9 Change DLL cal init for spare DP8 - don't cal
- 212283a Add remaining DP16 duty cycle registers
- 244cda9 Implement MRW attributes; dram_clks, db_util, 2n_mode
- eb8d7a7 Change parity error FIR clear from after MRS to before
- af4d4d1 Change ADR output registers for init during reset
- 0cb19a2 Add magic port capabilties for DDR PHY
- e6bca1c Change bad bit processing to process bad bit attributes
- a698bf0 Add raw card A1 (0x20) to SPD processing
- 6dbf6c5 Change lab memory init to poll, remove read phase
- 128fb5c Change mss training to fail on any disabled bits
- e0a86e7 Change dll cal poll; look for invalid rather than success
- a30a631 Add DP16 workarounds for Nimbus DD1.0
- 5632ecb Enable read VREF calibration
- e7f3ba8 Add EC feature levels to MSS workarounds
- 320f69f Change memdiags interfaces for PRD
- a5107b6 Change mss_scrub timeout to account for slow MCBIST
- 4bc5e41 Add to the scom blastah unit tests
- 08c14ee Add EC workaround for PHY training bad bit processing
- fca92c3 Add rank config MRW override to plug rules
- 1074ed3 Add Memory Subsystem FIR support
- c5f2946 Add settings for DDR 2N mode
- c5e38ae Change R17/R16 bits for 1R DIMM config depending on slot configs
- 09178e0 Add empty xml file for HB mirror
- c4692b7 Add minor minor version feature support to getecid
Brian Stegmiller (3):
- 82533df ATTN: Mask interrupts prior to sending EOI
- 4b3ab4f ATTN: Enable of IPL CXX tests
- c3ccb4b PRD: Changes for MPIPL on P9
Briana Foxworth (1):
- c961e28 Added Shmoo Wrapper Capabilities
- 7c48e4f Remove unused PCIE values from the attribute file
- f571a09 Fixing error with DMA writes because of scope being LN not group
- 9ff084a p9_sbe_lpc_init fix with GPIO reset
- 95806ad Fix for hard coded core address
Caleb Palmer (14):
- c6f38bc MDIA: re-enable runStep()
- 75b8333 MDIA: Fix addTimeoutFFDC
- 6a5a307 MDIA: Update getting memSize in setup
- 2e9a4e3 PRD: Create MemSymbol object for P9
- 1e63707 MDIA: Reenable Memory Diagnostics
- 5ec2936 PRD: P9 MemoryMru object support
- ee5c4cb PRD: Add HW and FW mark stores to rule code
- d806c56 MDIA: Fix Errl Comment
- e861e41 PRD: COREFIR Nimbus DD1.0 recoverable attns workaround
- 8078261 PRD: Update parseMemMruData and helper functions
- 2fc2cd4 PRD: Implement read/write markstore interfaces (MCA)
- 5df46e8 PRD: Update dram2Symbol and symbol2Dram for P9
- d578f31 PRD: Simplify VCM and TPS classes
- 585aea7 PRD: DRAM Repairs IPL VCM Procedure (MCBIST)
Chris Engel (3):
- 4102b64 Support for TPM Required IPMI sensor
- a0575ef Add a TPM separator during host start_payload
- 514a00b Fix TPM log header SPEC errata and invalid digest
Chris Steffen (8):
- f198811 I/O Obus Scom Initfile Checkin
- 54e741a I/O Obus Scom Initfile Checkin
- dee17e1 io xbus/obus initfile update
- e528c80 Xbus Fixes
- fc04fdf io wrapper updates & obus scominit fix
- b6e7e73 io scom fix
- 7672512 Update Obus Initfile
- 32d38c2 Added xbus msb swap functionality
Chris Yan (1):
- 9acd7ca Functions for Accessing SI Control Registers
Christopher Riedl (1):
- b9fe5aa PPM reg collision (HW389511) work-around: Special Wake-up
Claus Michael Olsen (19):
- d377e0d Support for EX VPD instance rings: scanSelect update for EX rings
- f026583 p9_ring_identification.C updated to use RingID enum names instead of
- c5d850a TOR API support for 12 EX instance rings in tor_get_block_of_rings when
- 427fc49 Cleanup: Minor cleanup in p9_ring_identification.H
- 694d57d hcode_image_build support: Added member to CHIPLET_DATA struct to
- 9a5930d Cleanup: ring_apply and associated routines
- e5913f3 Cleanup: Getting rid of FIXED_RING_BUF_SIZE (RTC156706).
- 0b6c706 Cleanup: TOR API cleaning up
- 5360af8 Removing three pibnet rings.
- 288d25b xip_customize: Adding support for DD level extraction at runtime.
- d5640d8 ring_apply: Minor cleanups
- 5351daa xip_customize: Updated to make non-configured chiplets not good.
- 2774d5a Removing three pibnet rings.
- 896e334 TOR API: Introducing API to expose TOR version and wrappers.
- d62f660 Ring support (Cronus safe): Adding ex_l2/l3_fure_1 to RingID list.
- bf105a2 xip_customize: Updating SBE image's PIBMEM repair attributes.
- 4d083dc xip_customize: Four fixes for relieving Seeprom space constraint.
- e74e075 xip_customize: Bug fix to initial io_imageSize size check.
- e592c08 TOR reduction: Ditching DeltaRingLayout and RingLayout_t
Corey Swenson (10):
- 6b7c9b7 Fix OCC Host Data Offset
- 465c463 Special wakeup updates for P9 power-on
- 2be7c86 pm_plat_attribute.xml review changes
- 35b427b Implement FAPI interface for special wakeup in HB
- 146c0c4 Add attributes for setup INT BAR regs
- d32a09c Enable Host interface run_command
- c1119f4 Special wakeup updates for P9
- e44db81 PM plat attribute cleanup
- 8053357 Add chip_id_type comments to the runtime interface file
- bd16055 Remove spwkup scom traces cluttering up HBRT traces
Dan Crowell (31):
- 81420bc Modify default for MSS_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED
- 90b0798 Read MC Sync Mode from SBE
- 11442de Disable memdiags
- 34194ec Add pre-reqs for new Simics Memory config
- b39ed3f Fix I2C_BUS_DIV
- 9ed2a12 Remove print statement when skipping hap handler
- af6a053 Remove workaround for MSS_MRW_POWER_CONTROL_REQUESTED
- 560a366 Add interfaces for HDAT to fetch new data
- 3191754 Adjust directories to compile mss lib
- 4e3309c Add mapping data to memory vpd error
- 0fdeb11 Improve error data for frequency mismatch from #V
- 3b44d13 Add EI_BUS_TX_MSBSWAP
- 097b787 Changes to get slave SBE working
- 19f1ec7 Add p9_nv_ref_clk_enable to makefile
- b492ffe Remove old TODOs from gen script
- 4be5453 Move interrupt initialization after SMP is completely up
- a24db50 Add GARD to HWAS mask for OBUS
- a5330fe Fixing a bunch of orphaned TODO comments
- 929569a Skip deconfig of master proc for 2-chip chip-as-group topology
- f9dae40 Adjust FAPI_POS and MEMVPD_POS calculations for ZZ
- 9a0fdcd Make PEC and CAPP deconfig and gardable
- fb330b9 Change HOMER logic to use offset instead of address
- 4c5f6a5 Read VDN from appropriate #V field
- eb64e33 Deconfigure other PHBs in the same group
- ae79b20 Add additional trace message to SBE timeout
- b4e35e6 Fix simics continuous trace to handle non-zero HRMOR
- 7c3e332 Fix up a bad rebase
- db432c2 Add support for CRP0:L1-L8
- 94dde2e Allow proc chips with no EQ targets
- 17003aa Improve detection and description for MEMVPD_POS issues
Dean Sanner (25):
- 2a5d72f Update VPO config to 2.4 Ghz nest to for sync mode
- 4415fb3 Allow Cronus to use debugComm on FSP based systems
- 431a52d Prevent inline of some shared_ptr functions for space
- 2904841 Default some of the mbox scratch reg values
- 3ab1509 Save away mbox scratch regs before using
- 88e880e Set default PEC ATTR values for sim
- b19bd80 Sync VPO targetting to Simics, remove override from vpo pnor
- e9130e2 Update ecmd-debug-framework for P9
- b71dea7 Tweaks for supporting p9so_sim OP build target
- 431b1fe Handle ioppe in Xbus PG field
- 659efae Update VPO image with MEMD record
- 64c297d Remove nap for HW BU
- 86408b6 Allow common target/attribute xml files between HB and MRW
- 6ae2834 Change HCODE image build to use ATTR instead of scom
- 9a095b1 Improve memory deconfig by association edge conditions
- de9c728 Actually call p9_fab_iovalid
- 5ff30c3 Boot loader support for relative HRMOR
- cb6f76d Clear FAPI2 current_error when log is commited
- 5731874 Minor updates to get istep 15/16 working with latest HCODE image
- 5647cfa Fixes for STOP cycle on HW
- 6caf5ee Support SYSTEM_RING_DBG_MODE attribute
- 1c21b51 Disable PRD checking when multicast groups are in flux
- d083bcd Adjust MPIPL ATTR save address relative to HRMOR
- 5e034bb Fix VDDR ATTR interaction with FSP
- abc4a87 Disable PSI INT during handoff to payload
Dzuy Nguyen (3):
- ea0b739 Call rng init phases 1,2 in istep
- 6ec92d7 Add p9_getecid into call_proc_check_slave_sbe_seeprom_complete.C
- 3d95d41 Add sbe_psu FFDC error handling.
Elizabeth Liner (3):
- ad6fe3f Adding interface changes to provide BMC information to HDAT
- 3ebbca6 Adding interface changes to provide UART information to HDAT
- 41a7ef2 Makefile changes for OP Build CI Witherspoon
Greg Still (7):
- 2e8c349 SGPE and CME scanning integration
- 710df1b p9_sbe_check_master_stop15 fix for running
- c1228ce p9_dump_stop_info.C - Level 1
- d558edf Fix p9_pm_update_ec_eq_state updating MC groups
- eb3a62f Fix for premature SBE<>HB STOP 15 deadman exit
- e1772ea p9_pstates.h breakup
- 122f03b Refined OCC<>PGPE APIs
Jacob Harvey (13):
- a8b1345 Added mrw_refresh_rate, added power curve xml
- 783b35b Implemented mss_power_curve attr decoder
- 039a959 Modifying ATTRs for memory power thermal
- 169aee0 Implemented mss_power_curve attr decoder
- b0bebe1 Modifying ATTRs for memory power thermal
- 2d91a55 Modifying ATTRs for memory power thermal
- ee413cb Started implementation of bulk_pwr_throttles
- 98fe6cc Implement p9_mss_throttle_mem
- 6c22f61 Implement L2 eff_config_thermal, bulk_pwr_throttle
- 8bc6f45 Power Thermal init
- 5f8e27a Added default values if no power_curve attrs
- 8047a64 Fixing bulk_pwr_throttles calculations
Jaymes Wilks (2):
Jenny Huynh (5):
- ee640cc Disabling cfg_late_rd_mode in fabric initfile
- 498b30d Adding support to setup INT BAR registers
- 9d527e4 Fabric bit fixes for west/east serial scoms
- 46ea696 Adding workaround for HW930007 and HW386013
- 6f6bb77 Adding in defect HW395947,HW930007 to INT initfiles
Joachim Fenkes (2):
- a2c3d89 Don't raise VDD2VIO fence on warm IPL
- 6d999c9 p9_start_cbs: Make sure SKIP_SCAN0_CLOCKSTART is off
Joe McGill (20):
- 3b691b5 p9_build_smp -- add full featured switch CD programming
- bab7022 pervasive_attributes.xml -- add input refclock termination controls
- 19d21e2 adjust n3_fure address to match engd update (removal of bridge)
- 033d07a HW388878 VCS workaround
- 4cd9bcd p9_fbc_eff_config_aggregate -- fix aggregate config typo, account for pump mode
- 0d242a3 p9_sbe_scominit -- invoke NMMU scom initfile
- 5a4cdd0 initCompiler update for FBC FORM1 indirect address handling
- e4604f6 p9.fbc.scan.initfile -- create initfile, add workaround for HW376651
- 02c1e4c p9_nv_ref_clk_enable -- initial release, sets NV output refclk drive enables
- e7b46ef p9_npu_scominit -- invoke HWP to enable NV output refclk drivers
- 9d56704 p9_psi_init -- parametrize link speed (half/full)
- 7740c57 nest_attributes -- add initToZero tags for chip contained execution
- 63954bd p9.xbus.gX.scom.intifile -- set workarounds for HW393301
- e118b79 p9.fbc.ab_hp.scom.initfile -- update X/A cmd rate settings
- a918581 p9_mem_pll_reset_errors -- create error XML for HWP
- 21aee65 p9_mem_pll_reset -- updates for HW395218
- 33311a9 p9_build_smp -- enable MC fastpath
- 0108c61 initCompiler -- flush serial scom buffer before each use
- 932d9b6 p9_setup_bars -- correct MCD programming
- c016c67 p9_xip_customize_attributes -- define attribute to reflect max SBE image size
LiuYangFan (4):
- 14e5db0 Fix ramming procedure issue
- 515ae6f Fix SPRC spy name
- 042f914 Add get XFVC in p9_clkoff_getreg and fix some issues in ramming procedure
- a760376 Update p9_clkoff_getreg/p9_ram_core procedures
Louis Stermole (4):
- 6a41be7 Add DIMM to PHY mapping to access_delay_regs
- 50a6d73 Fix dimm address mirroring to be based on SPD setting
- 94248ca Fix Galois symbol 7 in MSS ECC
- 2897bfc Update mss_decode_shadow_regs to use library MRS decoders
Martin Peschke (4):
- 4768788 P9-XIP: simplify p9_xip_get_element()
- ee23e39 P9-XIP: simplify p9_xip_get_scalar()
- e12aa81 p9_tor: l_ prefix for local variable instead of iv_
- f4dc308 Shrinking RS4 header
Marty Gloff (14):
- c03fb9a Changes for P9 SBE - End-to-End Testing in FSP environment
- 6153a67 Fix handling of FAPI attributes with target type TARGET_TYPE_SYSTEM
- ccf6b1d Changes for P9 SBE - End-to-End Testing SBE Boot Side Fix
- b38654e Changes for P9 SBE - Clean-up work from EKB/HWP MAX_RING_BUF_SIZE
- 3e921f6 Changes for P9 SBE - Clean-up override of a Zero Nest PLL Bucket ID
- afc2dd2 Fix Temp Default handling
- d0e9bd8 Remove logic in HB to set Nest frequency based off sync mode
- 89e0ca4 Remove references to deprecated ATTR_NEST_FREQ_MHZ
- 9955257 Bus Speed Array and EEPROM Attributes in simics_NIMBUS.system.xml
- bf955c5 Changes for P9 SBE - Clean-up work from EKB/HWP
- a109724 Change Write Cycle Times
- 3782e26 SBE Update fixes and patches for Bring-up
- 8f2f91b Access of p9_ringId array gets Storage Exception
- 897f9ae RC_INCORRECT_KEWORD_SIZE on zzfp018
Matt Derksen (12):
- 84977a2 Support new gen3 and gen4 PHB equalization-setting
- 1bf66ad Remove deprecated ATTR_MSS_VOLT and ATTR_VMEM_ID
- 77266ae istep16: Call p9_dump_stop_info() HWP when a core fails to activate.
- b544343 Test fapi2 returncode support
- 0d34e17 Support comma-delimited targets in attribute override
- e2ecb47 Do not automatically clear manually garded records
- eaa6695 Enforce magic mca port is good in PG
- 2f193c6 Rollup non-functional EC to EQ level while processing PG vpd
- 4a1d5ad Remove old PROC_PCIE_LANE_EQUALIZATION attribute
- 82fb588 Fill in ATTR_PROC_PCIE_IOVALID_ENABLE based on functional PHBs
- 904b769 Use mrw values for PCIE attributes
- 3320ec5 Enforce magic port logic at deconfig time
Matt K. Light (5):
- 40f071e pack the sbeFfdc_t structure so that SbeFfdcData_t will be correct
- 4156be2 add more fapi2 namespace use to FAPI_SET_SBE_ERROR
- a62f71d Adding ATTR_EI_BUS_TX_MSBSWAP
- 2b65fdc fix build to include p9_stop_lib
- 07140e3 deplib of p9_mss_bulk_pwr_throttles for p9_mss_eff_config_thermal
Matt Ploetz (4):
- c0f6d5c Add openpower conditional to sbfw directory in hbDistribute
- 4ffcb4d Include pvpd in dvpd
- 68f271d Add uartif include to ast2400
- 7c8bb50 Add compute PCIE config support
McIlvain (1):
- 2057239 MCBIST additional test types and features for shmoos
Michael Pardeik (1):
- 7a9f170 Memory lab tool updates for mss_check_bandwidth and mss_power_controls
Mike Baiocchi (1):
- 17a4c82 Enable TPM in compile configurations; disable TPM_REQUIRED for HW
Nick Bofferding (1):
- 1ceafcd Move user details attribute code to extended image
Nick Klazynski (1):
- f4a82cb Interrupts must be blocked the entire time the thread is stopped.
Prachi Gupta (9):
- 73bdae7 Remove unnecessary include path to error_info directory in istep14
- f7e6854 Update xbus/obus procedures with the latest initCompiler changes
- 5b22cc8 Fix paranthesis syntax in scom initfiles
- 9d861ca Add no variable tracking to initfile procedures to imporve build time
- ac0592f add BATTERY to CLASS enumeration
- 4241f7c Fix HUID in simics.NIMBUS.system.xml
- 23101c4 processMRW updates for witherspoon
- 1ac343b Fix i2c scom address math for p9
- be59485 Include pvpd header file when reading from pnor in dvpd.C
Prasad Bg Ranganath (2):
- dcedb63 Fixed offsets of newly added cache rings (ex_l2_fure1,ex_l3_fure1)
- 0170583 p9_tor: Fix the Instance ring tor offset in TOR layout
Prem Shanker Jha (10):
- e86d970 PM: Review of hcode image sizes and various headers in HOMER.
- 0fba7ae PM:Added an EQ sub-section for restoration of SCOM registers of scope quad.
- e127708 PM: Resolved chiplet id issue due to changes done in TOR API.
- 3c4936b PM: Customization of CME and SGPE rings in HOMER.
- 39e3956 PM: Image layout change for CME/SGPE Region of P9 HOMER.
- 40d2d54 PM: Handling scan ring offset update in various error paths.
- 79ed124 PM: Fix for core specific ring Offset in CME image header.
- 3dfcb24 PM: Scan ring layout changes in HOMER in response to roll out of RS4v3.
- 4f2a688 PM:Enhanced STOP API Tool.
- 8d46cd5 PM: Updates restore value for L2/L3 Epsilon SCOM Registers.
Rahul Batra (3):
- c52fc60 PGPE: PState Updates
- d4d3164 PGPE: WOF OCC Interaction Initial Drop
- e1d67d5 OCC Flags/OCC Scratch Updates
Raja Das (3):
- b958925 p9_quad_power_off.C fix for chip unit pos
- 79d26cf ATTR_SBE_SYS_CONFIG is writeable now, to update it via Psu Chipop
- 9607247 Thread Control Stop precedure update
Ricardo Mata Jr (1):
- d713902 p9_pcie_scominit, support added for attribute refclock_enable
Richard J. Knight (11):
- 76cdc86 Move suet samples to common ekb makefile process
- ade7344 Update parseErrorInfo.pl to support collectFfdc tags for SBE
- f539d31 FAPI2 - Enable register ffdc support
- b49fbd8 Update parser handling of collectFfdc error xml tags
- 5fea395 Create sample ffdc collection procedure
- 8e662b2 Memory exeption in hostboot environment when using collectFfdc tag
- 5cba7e9 Add group spy support to initcompiler
- 9fb9648 Add support for iterating over EC_LEVELS
- 64e16cc Update code to consolidate writes to same address in same putScom
- 19fa7d2 Modify initCompiler to use FAPI_TRY in generated procedures
- 0727774 Modify initCompiler to use template version of buffer insert
Robert Lippert (1):
- e148934 fixes necessary to compile with BT IPMI config option enabled
Sachin Gupta (3):
- 3809d64 Fix for I2CDIV rate
- fe0638e Solve compilation issues when FAPI_INF is disabled
- 5dfd2d4 Reverting RS4v3 changes
Sangeetha T S (5):
- 6ac78b3 Organize PM plat and HWP attributes
- d39293d Set engine lock to HOST before PPC405 start
- 58fb5a6 Host to have access to I2C engines while OCC reset
- b8d5207 Collect register FFDC for CMEs
- 746e307 Register FFDC collection for init/reset of Stop and OCC GPEs.
Santosh (1):
- b7e03a9 L2 version - p9_sbe_sequence_drtm
Santosh Balasubramanian (1):
- 3d93183 HWP L2 delivery for p9_update_security_ctrl
Shelton Leung (3):
- ee52287 MCA initfile added support for CL != TRP != TRCD, ODT, CID
- f8a227a mca initfile - remove unnecessary dependence on on TRP and TRCD
- 892b323 scan inits for lab workaround for DI bug HW392781
Soma BhanuTej (3):
- ddf2fd3 Level 2 HWP for p9_extract_sbe_rc - Ver2
- e9995a4 Change chip to unsecure always for DD1 chips
- 4cfa35a Fixing IAR address to get 32 bits of data - p9_extract_sbe_rc
Srinivas Naga (2):
- aad7717 Clearing SB MSG register before cbs start
- bf021a3 Removing clearing of ECC enable before reading ECID fuse
Stephen Cprek (8):
- a6f34cd Implement std::array
- c6644f4 Change std::swap() to use std::move()
- a301193 Port new buildpnor files from p8
- 9fe7921 Port secureboot build infrastructure from P8 to P9
- 4bf1556 Re-order filetype if blocks so Makefile doesn't end up as c program text
- 3e4343f Enable simics telnet port and multiple attempts to start simics
- 7954b76 Fix modules started/completed value and add timeout for SBE/HBBL
- efafd90 Add gcc -Os optimization to the hostboot bootloader
Stephen Glancy (7):
- 985a75f Added WR VREF workaround for error logic
- 27e53cd Added WR VREF latch files for HB compile
- c3ac859 Fixed 1R WR DQS update issue
- c7cf0b2 Fixed CL and timing bugs, unit test augmentations
- 188ebfe Added WR VREF latch command
- 65c1a0c Added error count mode 2 to MCBIST lab
- 6d5be25 Adds WR VREF error logging
Sudheendra K Srivathsa (7):
- b39c4f0 p9_pstate_paramter_block L2 commit
- e2e58b1 p9_setup_evid and p9_avsbus_lib lab updates
- 34a1332 p9_setup_evid L2 commit
- 5a73a31 p9_avsbus_voltage read/write utility L2
- 231dd65 p9_setup_evid/p9_avsbus_voltage support for configurable buses/MVPD access
- a633d3b p9_setup_evid and p9_avsbus_lib lab updates
- 7539577 AVSBUS status code check and access retry update
Thi Tran (3):
- fdd919b Undo Simics SCOM error workaround
- 84f3523 p9_throttle_sync HWP update
- 688b959 Add rules to group cross-MCS ports and Channel ID setup
Yue Du (9):
- b1f3e0d Cache HWP: DD1 VCS Workaround
- 5599a42 PmLib: update powman hcode register headers to spec1.3
- 565e4d6 CME/SGPE: yet another updating commit for stop images
- 4aecfaf cache/core/l2_stopclocks updates
- 3d5e29e PM Register Headers: fix deleting PMC registers in occhw and pba
- 13050e8 Istep4: add enable auto special wakeup after core is up
- 7936579 Istep4: Enable poll for DPLL lock in p9_hcd_cache_dpll_setup
- f8578ea STOP: fix fuse core mode
- 294e4d7 STOP: enable cme trace array before cme boot in SGPE
Zane Shelley (43):
- bc356f2 Fixed IS DIMM affinity path
- 4bef081 PRD: change design for OCC initiated attention
- 66555fc PRD: Simplified templates in TD controller code
- 0b7c4b0 PRD: add dummy classes for TPS
- 6c8eba5 PRD: add support for RCD parity errors
- 24c38f4 PRD: Updated memory constants header file for P9
- 8d7cbe2 PRD: remove support for CenSymbol::fromDimmDq()
- 864ba41 PRD: updated symbol2CenDq for P9
- d5246e2 PRD: removed templates from MemSymbol class
- 2675f8a PRD: Hostboot PRD should not be called after starting background scrub
- 29b87c5 PRD: add SDC support to set entire signature all at once
- 5ada2e0 PRD: Defined interfaces for markstore read/write
- 2aea752 PRD: refined extra signatures for memory subsystem
- bd64ca2 PRD: rule file updates from latest in EKB
- ba945d8 MDIA: clean stop-on-error conditions AUE attns
- bfa11be PRD: refined util functions for chip objects
- 6f748de PRD: update startBgScrub() to clear counters and attentions before starting
- 912367a PRD: cleaned stop-on-error conditions for AUE/IAUE/IMPE/IUE
- e20b5b9 PRD: create temporary super fast read PlatServices interface
- 45feb6c PRD: add sorting and ExtensibleChip support to getConnected()
- 5970dbc PRD: code bug in PlatServices::getSlaveRanks()
- 32f45f8 PRD: missing MCBAGRA register in MCBIST rule code
- f4ba382 PRD: Better traces on getScom/putScom failures
- 1613ef4 PRD: Determine where to restart commands after cmd complete attn
- 24e166c PRD: simplified templates in TdCtlr class.
- 9c8141e PRD: combine RT/IPL imp of MemTdCtlr::handleCmdComplete to common file
- d407782 PRD: Add ECC checking for maint cmd complete attentions
- 276ef3b PRD: fixed error handling for getSlaveRanks()/getMasterRanks()
- 7e1a665 PRD: Moved MC chiplet pervasive regs into MCBIST rule file
- 871eb4e PRD: getScom/putScom trace bug
- fef05cc PRD: Updates to memory error log parser
- 77437a9 PRD: fixed default constructors for various memory classes
- e599406 PRD: move L2/L3 CEs to secondary analysis list
- 8e96aab PRD: ported UE table to P9
- cea5826 PRD: data bundle support for UE table
- 074d8aa PRD: enable error log parsing support for UE table
- 7791bc2 PRD: add default capture data support for ECC attentions
- 2c5b466 PRD: SIMICs workaround for MCBIST commands during MDIA
- d330697 PRD: enabled super fast read and targeted scrub commands
- a6ac835 PRD: Mainline memory UE analysis
- 3955c34 PRD: Mainline memory MPE analysis
- 1ba304f PRD: rule file updates from latest EKB
- 52debda PRD: cleanup up duplicates in rule code
crgeddes (37):
- b54144d Update pervasive attributes in attribute_types.xml
- f019674 Port setting of EC/EQ_GARD attrs on the PROC from hwsv->hwas
- d97f270 Add support for computing BOOT_FREQ_MULT
- 083d6c0 Add CLOCK_PLL_MUX, CLOCK_PLL_MUX0, and OBUS_RATIO_VALUE attrs to gen script
- 0501613 Move bbuild up from b0926a_1640.910->b1006a_1642.910
- 419fc70 Disable error catching for VPD lookup errors
- aff7bb7 Properly deconfigure MCBISTs by association when neccesary
- 320a9a9 Update genHwsvMrw.xml for p9_setup_bars_attributes.xml default values
- 1c6d0fa Replace hardcoded values in genHwsvMrw script with real MRW values
- 57e83ce Add infrastructure for sending setSystemConfig cmd to SBE
- 90782fd Update attributes to use MRW values in genHwsvMrwXml script
- 5868dc2 Update attribute/target xml with info from hb_temp_defaults
- 2006777 Integrate p9_mpipl_chip_cleanup HWP for P9
- 777071e Add helpful comment for data storage exception
- fa0bfc1 Remove deprecated PCIE attributes from attribute_types.xml
- 60ba3fa Add logic to deconfig MCA/MCS/MCBIST targets by association
- 6deb1be Update bbuild from b1020 -> b1102
- 0f49912 Disable proc_exit_cache_contained in MPIPL mode
- b225eef Call setSystemConfig during host_runtime_setup
- 764ba99 Re-enable error catching for missing VPD records
- 2afa9f5 Make p9_mpipl_chip_cleanup to be a no-op
- 287f1fb Update INTP init for MPIPL path
- 5eeea6b Save Attribute Data in real memory in case of MPIPL
- fb52dd5 Update bbuild from 1102a -> 1107a
- 7011329 Ignore CHIP_OFFLINE pib error when scom is multicast
- c10ef26 Use the MRW value for mb_bit_rate_divisor_refclk
- 0c8a408 Read/Write from pnor for R/W attribute section in Attrrp in MPIPL
- 2f680ca Add helpful simics script for manually stepping through MPIPL path
- 26a18a5 Fix some pointer issues for initializing ATTRRP for MPIPL
- 1ec5f98 Move Copying of R/W and Heap data during ATTRRP init into own func
- c2dd21c Add option to get reserved mem section from hdat service
- cec9b06 Add intrastructure for sending psuQuiesce cmd to SBE
- 2cdb748 Fix bug with simics-debug-framework.py
- c911733 Remove hack that allowed for use of depricated NV_BUS target type
- 0ee4722 Reduce the size MPIPL was mapping from 128 MB > 1 MB
- 31b825b Fix bug in MPIPL path for INTP init
- c9db249 memset the HOMER to 0's before populating it for the MPIPL flow
nagurram-in (1):
- 2da4b37 HDAT changes for Witherspoon
spashabk-in (1):
- ec2ce54 Change auto variables to references
Package: occ
Chris Cain (2):
- 5cca3dd OCC Active state changes required for Simics
- f5f808e Prevent flood of errors on APSS failure
Wael El-Essawy (1):
- 609700b Use HOMER Init Data
William Bryan (5):
- d1bd2d6 Move LICENSE and README to top level
- 720dfdf SSX Runtime Environment Check
- c21550d Save Core & Quad DTS Avgs
- 055aad1 Sensor List Checking & Make Improvements
- a4e0457 Changes for GCC 4.9 and OP
mbroyles (1):
- 9af547b Support new APSS Function IDs
Package: palmetto-xml
No changes.
Package: petitboot
Arthur Heymans (1):
- e1e5d7f utils: Rename 30-dtb_updates to 30-dtb-updates
Samuel Mendoza-Jonas (6):
- 1dd51e9 ui/ncurses: Spin child to ensure autoboot cancelled on exit
- a055f67 Support HTTP(S) proxies when downloading resources
- d0c069b discover/platform-powerpc: Remove unused max_partition_size
- 3daa33e discover/platform-powerpc: Deprecate petitboot,bootdev parameter
- 5bf4ee3 discover/platform-powerpc: Reject bootdevs with empty UUIDs
- ea8bd5f ui/ncurses: Make server connect message more clear
Package: pnor
Matt Ploetz (3):
- e63fc82 Create P8 pnor layout sub directory
- 76b8df0 Add p9 pnor layouts, build support
- c940142 Add IMA (In Memory Accumulation) catalog partition to p9 layouts
Package: skiboot
Alistair Popple (5):
- 84e63a8 core/cpu.c: Add OPAL call to setup Nest MMU
- d4b92ad hw/npu.c: NPU bdfn allocation bugfix
- 4802d47 hw/npu.c: Fix reserved PE#
- 18cb0a0 hw/npu.c: Fix reserved PE#
- d4a75dc flash: Use blocklevel to do ECC reads
Andrew Donnellan (1):
- 60f7216 fast-reboot: abort fast reboot if CAPP attached
Anton Blanchard (1):
- 5fff4b8 getscom/getsram/putscom: Parse chip-id as hex
Balbir Singh (3):
- 233c68b Add infrastructure for pointer validation.
- 5c4bfc6 Use additional checks in skiboot for pointers
- a0a22b9 Make console-log time more readable: seconds rather than timebase
Benjamin Herrenschmidt (54):
- 8b6d05d interrupts: Add new source ->attributes callback
- 5ed5511 xive: Wrap irq_sources to provide standard set_xive/get_xive
- c28ea2f psi: Add P9 support
- 5869396 chiptod: Enable ChipTOD in SIMICS
- f605be7 lpc: Add P9 LPC interrupts support
- ced031a psi: Remove psi->working
- bc8817e psi: Ensure chip_id is always set properly
- c8fc681 platform: Add BT to Generic platform
- d0a3ec6 psi: On p9, create an interrupt-map for routing PSI interrupts
- bf4d12f lpc: Move LPC instance variables to a private structure
- ae98dc0 lpc: Remove lpc_ prefixes from struct lpcm members
- 95e7a10 lpc: Add routing support for SerIRQs
- a3041e3 lpc: Optimize SerIRQ dispatch based on which PSI IRQ fired
- f6df3f8 time: Improve time_wait_poll()
- 400a91f p8-i2c: Don't crash if a centaur errored out
- adc97f5 ccan/list: Add list_empty_nocheck
- 4296082 list: Use list_empty_nocheck() when checking a list racily
- b54745c Add global DEBUG make flag
- 2490669 Disable mcount on some early functions
- 3c549d2 head: Whitespace fixes
- 98e09fb Build host programs (and checks) with debug enabled
- cd8e5c1 Don't set -fstack-protector-all unconditionally
- ac3e90e check: Fix bugs in mem region tests
- ad1b72c libc: Use 8-bytes stores for non-0 memset too
- ab70412 mem_region: Be a bit smarter about poisoning
- 2ff9961 init: In debug builds, enable debug output to console
- f3ebe66 main: Copy all exception vectors down
- 3476b2a Rename enter_rvwinkle to enter_pm_state
- ad0eb2c Rename rvwinkle patch to reset patch and install at boot
- 2238dd7 slw: Move SPR setup calls away from assembly
- 4ec017f Rename rvwinkle_restore to reset_wakeup
- cb20094 interrupts: Rename icp_prep_for_rvwinkle to icp_prep_for_pm
- e45a59f interrupts: Ack/fetch interrupts in reset_cpu_icp()
- 7bfc803 cpu: Remove unused cpu_free_job()
- 373bd83 cpu: Add cpu_check_jobs()
- 36be5e0 cpu: Add cpu_idle() which we call when waiting for a job
- 610d54e time: Setup DEC and call cpu_idle() in time_wait_nopoll()
- f4d9502 cpu: Remove global job queue
- 514406f cpu: Remove pollers calling heuristics from cpu_wait_job
- 9567e18 cpu: Add support for nap mode on P8
- 86c18e3 cpu: Display number of started CPUs during boot
- b7aa01a cpu: Make endian switch message more informative
- 1fc3133 chip: Add a quirk for when core direct control XSCOMs are missing
- be4843f xscom: Initialize the data to a known value in xscom_read
- d6a64f9 xscom: Map all HMER status codes to OPAL errors
- 459a7e1 centaur: Mark centaur offline after 10 consecutive access errors
- 6971e07 xscom: Initialize the data to a known value in xscom_read
- 64dce4f xscom: Map all HMER status codes to OPAL errors
- babc49d centaur: Mark centaur offline after 10 consecutive access errors
- 925f03c opal-prd: Fix error code from scom_read & scom_write
- 97d7d3e opal-prd: Fix error code from scom_read & scom_write
- 286f331 fsi-master: Whitespace cleanups
- 8110b05 device: Add helper to delete a property by name if it exists
- 0279d89 Fast reboot for P8
Breno Leitao (2):
Chris Smart (3):
- d8b7ad2 v2 mambo: Add section for kernel command line boot args
- 82b5bbd mambo: Advertise available RADIX page sizes
- 879caa2 core/init.c: Fix bootargs parsing
Claudio Carvalho (61):
- 633c66e include: Fix u8 type in chip.h
- c3d7b1f doc: add initial secure and trusted boot documentation
- f28379a doc/device-tree: add ibm, secureboot.rst
- 6ef40b5 doc/device-tree: add tpm.rst
- 26a1d0c libc/string: add memcpy_from_ci()
- bb9b93c asm: add Hostboot rom_entry.S
- 9b67206 asm/rom_entry.S: fix parameters syntax
- 154e85c asm: add rom_entry.S to Makefile.inc
- fab5418 libstb: add required container header structures
- bb725f2 libstb: add rom interface
- b64d937 libstb: add tpm_chip interface
- 36a9139 libstb/drivers: add romcode driver
- b018f35 libstb/drivers: add tpm_i2c interface
- 56ad053 Add i2c Nuvoton TPM 2.0 Driver
- 8ca56dd libstb/tss: add hostboot TSS code for TPM 2.0
- 5078e0f libstb/tpm_chip.h: declare the TpmTarget type for TSS
- 9844769 libstb/tss: include tpm_chip.h in trustedbootCmds.H
- 046a682 libstb/tss: implement TSS required functions
- 282fff6 libstb/tss: add hostboot tpmLogMgr code for TPM 2.0
- 1741338 libstb/tss/tpmLogMgr: disable TpmLogMgr_dumpLog()
- 381c866 libstb/tss/tpmLogMgr: add support for EV_SEPARATOR events
- a94819e libstb/tss/tpmLogMgr.C: remove the trustedTypes.H include
- 3a0bec6 libstb/tss: build TSS and tpmLogMgr
- 3837c6f libstb/tpm_chip: add tpm_extendl()
- d15dd47 libstb: add secure and trusted boot interface
- 841ef25 core/init.c: adjust offset to run BOOTKERNEL containers
- a857bdb core/flash.c: load actual partition size
- bd4038d core: add flash_subpart_info()
- 0657bcc hw/phb3.c: preload the whole CAPP partition
- cf39c2a hw/phb3.c: adjust offset to run CAPP containers
- 1a25de4 include/capp.h: add #include guard
- 1f198c9 core/flash.c: verify and measure resources
- cd0a720 core/init.c: measure event separator before handover to skiroot
- 0bf9024 Initialize Secure/Trusted Boot (STB) during init
- d1cb3a5 external/boot_tests: add arbitrary lid option -F
- b352dd6 external/boot_tests: add the nobooting option -N
- 712df1f external/boot_tests: remove lid from the BMC after flashing
- b2265a4 core/init.c: move stb_init to later in the boot
- 7b0d315 libstb/container: add function for getting sw payload size
- 253a158 libstb/stb.c: ignore the secure mode flag unless forced in NVRAM
- a49cc98 core/flash-subpartition.c: remove toc var to clean-up
- 3dc16bb core/flash.c: Fix lines > 80 cols
- 20db137 libstb: remove subid argument from sb_verify and tb_measure
- f9f3d0e tpm_extendl: disable all failed tpms rather than only the first
- ddfc16d tpm_extendl: log the calling results
- 635537d tpm_extendl: don't measure when no tpm is registered
- f6c0837 libstb: bump up the byte timeout for tpm i2c requests
- 39d05f1 tpm_i2c_nuvoton: rename defines to shorter names
- 52cf034 tpm_i2c_nuvoton: add tpm_check_status()
- 2c6791e tpm_i2c_nuvoton: add tpm_status_read_byte()
- 8f0509f tpm_i2c_nuvoton: handle errors after reading sts.commandReady
- 29b1bed tpm_i2c_nuvoton: isolate the code that handles the TPM_TIMEOUT_D timeout
- 889d26c tpm_i2c_nuvoton: return burst_count in tpm_read_burst_count()
- a55c761 tpm_i2c_nuvoton: handle errors after checking the tpm fifo status
- 96dbea7 tpm_i2c_nuvoton: handle errors after writing sts.go
- b1c1216 tpm_i2c_nuvoton: handle errors after writing sts.commandReady in step 5
- 8f2f684 tpm_i2c_nuvoton: cleanup variables in tpm_write_fifo()
- d188610 tpm_i2c_nuvoton: handle errors after writting the tpm fifo
- 4c688b8 tpm_i2c_nuvoton: cleanup variables in tpm_read_fifo()
- b1275bc tpm_i2c_nuvoton: handle errors after reading the tpm fifo
- 0e46524 tpm_i2c_nuvoton: work out the polling time using mftb()
Cyril Bur (20):
- 98dbeb8 core/flash: Fix passing pointer instead of value
- f3c7237 core/flash: More pointer vs value fixes
- a452b83 libflash/blocklevel: Allow double ecc protecting a region
- adebaf3 flash: Size NVRAM based on ECC for OpenPOWER platforms
- b0f1134 external/pflash: Fix ccpcheck warnings in progress.c
- 52a0014 external/pflash: Reduce variable scope as indicated by cppcheck
- 50ba580 external/pflash: Remove unused files
- 2996775 libflash/libffs: Use blocklevel_smart_write() when updating partitions
- 9c3b35a external/common: arm: Don't error trying to wrprotect with MTD access
- 39fea04 external/common: Rename arch_flash_bmc() to arch_flash_access()
- 08d46d4 external/pflash: Catch incompatible combination of flags
- f9302f3 external/pflash: Make MTD accesses the default
- 36c2f29 core/flash: Use blocklevel accessors to load resources
- 322317b platforms/mambo: Support large unaligned reads
- c7e4328 core/flash: Don't do anything clever for OPAL_FLASH_{READ, WRITE, ERASE}
- b36b3d1 external/common: Teach ARM code to erase 'mtd chips'
- 71f7788 external/common: Add default erase chip implementation
- e5720d3 libflash/file: Use 64bit ioctl() to erase from MTD
- 45b6594 libflash/libffs: Fix possible NULL dereference
- 02a628a external/pflash: Perform the correct cleanup
Cédric Le Goater (1):
- dc60d64 plat/qemu: add BT and IPMI support
Frederic Barrat (2):
- e36f4f2 hw/phb3: Update capi initialization sequence
- ec1cf51 hw/phb3: Update capi initialization sequence
Frederic Bonnard (2):
- 011c0ac gard/pflash: Honor linker flags passed from the environment
- e383d9f gard/pflash: Honor linker flags passed from the environment
Gavin Shan (25):
- b980104 core/pci: Improve PCI config register filter
- 85daa7f core/pci: Support virtual device
- 0736df5 hw/npu: Use PCI virtual device
- 1717266 core/pci: Fix the power-off timeout in pci_slot_power_off()
- c96ee45 core/pci: Fix the power-off timeout in pci_slot_power_off()
- d29c253 platforms/astbmc: Fix coding style in slot_table_get_slot_info()
- 121814d platforms/astbmc: ibm, slot-label not depend on ibm, slot-location-code
- 4295424 core/pci: Print CRS retry times
- afadf2e core/pci: Fix initial PCIe slot power state
- 60ce59c hw/phb3: Disable ECRC on Broadcom adapter behind PMC switch
- de7ffb4 platforms/astbmc: Introduce slot_init_info() helper function
- 5b43f79 platforms/astbmc: Support dynamic PCI slot
- 7809a56 core/pci: Return error on invalid power state transition
- c47dfe5 core/pci: Cache power state on slot without power control
- b0e5149 core/pci: Return slot cached power state
- 27ed9b4 core/pci: Update PCI topology after power change
- 39aad95 core/pci: Get PCI slot before applying quirk
- 481ad73 core/pci: Reserve PCI buses for RC's slot
- 51931ba core/pci: Claim surprise hotplug capability
- 5f3720f hw/phb3: Disable surprise link down event on PCI slots
- 2e19de4 hw/phb3: Override root slot's prepare_link_change() with PHB's
- 18d590e pci: make PCI slot state as incremental to base number
- 0074e3d pci: Remove obsoleted PCI slot pfreset() operation
- 1408f6f pci: Check power state before powering off slot
- e2fa37e core/pci: Fix criteria in pci_cfg_reg_filter()
Jack Miller (2):
Jeremy Kerr (3):
- 3d4a9fc opal-prd: fix for 64-bit pnor sizes
- 3d41d28 opal-prd: Add get_interface_capabilities to host interfaces
- 90149e0 opal-prd: Add get_interface_capabilities to host interfaces
Joel Stanley (4):
- de71e59 libflash: add 128MB MX66L1G45G part
- ed9c11c gard: Fix printf warning
- 4382d47 pflash: Fail when file is larger than partition
- 8c3f5cd pflash: remove stray d in from info message
Mahesh Salgaonkar (3):
- 026b9a1 opal/hmi: Fix a TOD HMI failure during a race condition.
- bb18811 opal/hmi: Fix a TOD HMI failure during a race condition.
- f1cde7d opal/fast-reboot: Send special reset sequence to operational CPUs only.
Michael Neuling (11):
- 17c22db flash: Add documentation for blocklevel_smart_write()
- c043065 flash: Make size 64 bit safe
- e8c3f4c asm: Fix backtrace for unexpected exception
- 0ae753a flash: Rework error paths and messages for multiple flash controllers
- 3e86c08 mambo: Make POWER9 look like DD2
- ec4636b mambo: Make callthru functions return 64 bits
- 310c046 mambo: Add callthru0()
- e6f180d mambo: Convert sim exit from asm to C
- 76c5eb9 mambo: Convert console read/write from asm to C
- e62137c mambo: Convert RTC read from asm to C
- 30f86e5 mambo: Make call thru command defines consistent
Milton Miller (4):
- 8f67ee3 hw/npu: program NPU BUID reg properly
- ac83440 hw/npu: assert the NPU irq min is aligned.
- b2b8e29 hw/npu: program NPU BUID reg properly
- fc74845 hw/npu: assert the NPU irq min is aligned.
Mukesh Ojha (11):
- 17196ef doc : Typos correction, case conversion, and replaces .txt with .rst
- adb6064 doc/errorlogging : Updates detail about error logging on FSP and BMC
- 9a137af doc/errorlogging : Updates detail about error log retrieval from FSP
- fa2af99 doc/opal-api : Corrects typo errors and adheres to sphinx documentation
- a024fb7 doc/opal-api : Document opal-api's related to error log
- 218f4ae FSP/ELOG: elog_enable flag should be false by default
- 3bee8cf core/init : Typo correction
- 32dc2a1 libc : Changes variable data type where return value of strlen() stored from int to size_t
- a125d24 errorlog : Modification as per coding guidelines to make the code more legible
- 6e1a114 errorlog: Remove the elog enable check from 'fsp_elog_check_and_fetch_head'
- ee1bbae errorlog: Removal of elog_reject_head() from 'opal_kexec_elog_notify' routine
Nageswara R Sastry (4):
- c293eda doc/opal-api: Documentation for OPAL_GET_XIVE_SOURCE
- da11e00 Fix typos
- d13f451 Change .txt to .rst for correctness
- 76ed836 Documentation for OPAL_LPC_READ, OPAL_LPC_WRITE
Nicholas Piggin (1):
- 0223fd6 mambo: add exception and qtrace helpers
Oliver O'Halloran (18):
- c6a6391 head.S: document opal_naca
- ad461cc nvram: rename nvram-format.h to nvram.h
- 6024e93 nvram: ibm,skiboot NUL terminator check
- e983317 core/init: recheck nvram on fast reboot
- 9070ae9 core/nvram: add support for skiboot config strings
- f0ef4e2 core/init: take bootargs from nvram
- 9a002d1 core/test: add test for nul check in nvram_format()
- 2b426c4 core/test: add tests for nvram_query()
- aabf6bc core/init: add per_thread_sanity_checks()
- fb03f0b core/init: ensure the current thread is initialised
- cd649b5 core/init: ensure that HRMOR is zero at boot
- 6b17279 core/vpd: remove assert() when checking for VPD
- e434afa core/vpd: remove realloc
- 0754d2e core/vpd: rename vpd to vpd_lid
- 11c2a58 core/init: remove master_cpu parameter
- b915c70 core/init: create the dt root in main_cpu_entry
- a18e280 nvram: force re-verification after writing
- bdd34cc nvram: add nvram_query_eq()
Patrick Williams (4):
- cd72d0f gard: Fix Makefile race condition
- d2c3eaa gard: Fix Makefile race condition
- 03b21dc external: Utilize DESTDIR in shared makefile
- f11befe external: Utilize DESTDIR in shared makefile
Pridhiviraj Paidipeddi (6):
- 341daa8 log_level: Reduce the in memory console log_level to lower priority
- 3560f40 log_level: Reduce the in memory console log_level to lower priority
- 365e067 doc/opal-api: Documentation for opal-nvram-read-write
- 9ffc4ee doc/opal-api: Documentation for opal-ipmi-send-recv
- 564ed2a core/init: Fix failure of getting node in the free list.
- 5661506 hw/ipmi-sensor: Fix setting of firmware progress sensor properly.
Rafael Fonseca (2):
Russell Currey (8):
- 4eabfa0 hmi: Clean up NPU FIR debug messages
- 0c75bd5 phb4: Trivial whitespace fixes
- 9478b21 external: NPU hardware procedure script
- 863ac3c pci: Standardise on uint64_t pe_number
- 731d1a8 nvlink: Fix bad PE number check
- b841d26 nvlink: Fix bad PE number check
- 5ac71c9 pci: Avoid hot resets at boot time
- d3de60b pci: Avoid hot resets at boot time
Sam Mendoza-Jonas (3):
- aabd99c core: Create event node to enable irqchip
- d997e48 core/ipmi: Set interrupt-parent property
- 583c820 fsp/console: Allocate irq for each hvc console
Shilpasri G Bhat (2):
- b5e5437 occ/prd/opal-prd: Queue OCC_RESET event message to host in OpenPOWER
- 94ea260 occ/prd/opal-prd: Queue OCC_RESET event message to host in OpenPOWER
Stewart Smith (122):
- b5d3ff4 sphinx-doc: add build infrastructure
- 68bf986 rename overview.txt to overview.rst
- cce80be doc/*.txt: rename .txt to .rst
- c90c257 doc/*.rst: fix ReSTructured text syntax
- 9861f8f doc/release-notes/skiboot-5.1.0-beta1: rename .txt to .rst
- e52a880 doc/release-notes: Add doc/release-notes/index.rst and port 5.1.0-beta1 release notes
- e80f5b2 doc/release-notes/skiboot-5.1.0-beta2: rename .txt to .rst
- 25b438b doc/release-notes/skiboot-5.1.x: rename .txt to .rst
- 4bc996e doc/release-notes/skiboot-5.1.x: ReStructured Text syntax fixes
- f3b4fd2 doc/release-notes/skiboot-5.2.x: rename .txt to .rst
- 69f49ea release-notes/skiboot-5.2.x: Fix ReStructured Text syntax
- 7083db7 doc/release-notes/skiboot-5.3.x: rename .txt to .rst
- d8afdb6 release-notes/skiboot-5.3.0-rc1: Fix ReStructured Text syntax
- b3465ce doc: release notes for 5.3.0-rc2, 5.3.0 and 5.2.5 txt to rst
- bedfa9d Add opal-api/index.rst
- 925dff3 doc/opal-api: rename .txt to .rst
- 24e7fd3 opal-api/: Fix ReStructured Text syntax
- b93c30a doc/opal-api: rename .txt to .rst
- 0e583e7 doc/opal-api: fix ReStructured Text syntax
- c0f4c21 Add skeleton device-tree/index.rst
- 2508842 doc/device-tree/: rename .txt to .rst
- cc0b26b doc/device-tree: fix ReStructured Text syntax
- f458175 doc/device-tree/ibm, opal: rename .txt to .rst
- 729a547 doc/device-tree/ibm, opal: fix ReStructured Text syntax
- 904d7f5 boot-test: Add -k and -K options to keep logs on fail or always
- 3abf093 boot-test: give a better temp file name for boot log
- 98fa85b doc/opal-api: fix some formatting in OPAL_CONSOLE read/write
- 2e65a7d doc: reorder release-notes to come last
- a028d2a doc: reorder index into major sections for clarity
- a3a5a2b doc/release-notes/skiboot-5.3.0-rc2: fix heading level for RST
- ef0d021 doc/opal-api/opal-elog: heavily rework error log documentation
- a339d47 npu: reword "error" to indicate it's actually a warning
- 683c50e Adjust top_of_ram when we know cpu_max_pir for the processor generation
- 241b778 fwts: add annotation for manufacturing mode
- 872d380 Add skiboot-5.1.18 release notes
- 4a74a1e test/qemu: bump qemu version used in CI, adds IPMI support
- b20aecf rename doc/release-notes/skiboot-5.1.18.txt to rst
- 931babc rename doc/release-notes/skiboot-5.3.1.txt to rst
- bd3a858 rename doc/release-notes/skiboot-5.3.2.txt to rst
- 99dc606 doc/release-notes/skiboot-5.1.18.rst: syntax fixups
- 0a469a2 doc/release-notes/skiboot-5.3.1.rst: syntax fixups
- 0f1c75d consolidate gcov flags into HOSTGCOVFLAGS for host binaries
- 7bf89d6 pflash: fix buffer overflow: fl_total_size uint32_t not uint64_t
- 19ed473 strlen: use size_t for len
- 5de73e8 skiboot 5.3.3 release notes
- cbde8c5 add skiboot-5.3.4 release notes
- 81154ba slw: improve error message for SLW timer stuck
- ebbd74d add skiboot-5.3.4 release notes
- c70c825 slw: improve error message for SLW timer stuck
- aa341a3 centaur: print message on disabling xscoms to centaur due to many errors
- aafb5ce centaur: print message on disabling xscoms to centaur due to many errors
- cd42d43 skiboot 5.3.5 release notes
- 091381f skiboot 5.3.5 release notes
- 5fae412 occ: use tb_to_msec rather than hard coding it
- d3899e4 skiboot 5.3.3 release notes
- 40dc064 Update doc/conf.py for master branch
- 86640b0 pflash: Fix printf format warning
- 0be6d5c pflash: Don't try to write protect when writing to flash file
- af569fa SLW: Actually print the register dump only to memory
- d811b82 SLW: Actually print the register dump only to memory
- fbe1554 skiboot 5.3.6 release notes
- 366aee2 skiboot 5.3.6 release notes
- 32a7d96 Add software STB "ROM" implementation for Mambo
- 9650aec core/init: Compute built-in/preloaded BOOTKERNEL size from ELF and do secure/trusted boot
- a5f26b3 init: rework tb_measure/verify so can work on preloaded kernels
- 862d870 stb: always recompute hash of container payload and compare
- f0a23e4 Revert "hw/phb3.c: preload the whole CAPP partition"
- 5093ea3 Revert "hw/phb3.c: adjust offset to run CAPP containers"
- 762d008 skiboot-5.3.7 release notes
- c245450 skiboot-5.3.7 release notes
- b5d271f doc: Add Secure/Trusted boot docs to index
- 5a1da9a doc: mark docs as 5.4.0-rc1-snapshot
- 998ea13 fast-reset: free fdt on fast reset, count fast reboots
- 53a786a Declare proc_chip_quirks as extern, squash sparse warning
- 5f9db1d snprintf: increase testing, %u and 0 padding
- fa0f3b9 console-log: print full remaining timebase in skiboot log
- ff412f0 initramfs: only delete /chosen/initrd-* nodes if we load initramfs
- 9f25b34 skiboot 5.4.0-rc1 release notes
- 8319716 Revert "flash: Move flash node under ibm,opal/flash/"
- 26895ba core/flash: Move subpartition locating logic out into own file, add tests
- 8652ced core/flash-subpartition: compute partition size from subpartition struct
- e161014 flash: rework flash_load_resource to correctly read FFS/STB
- d3caa64 fast-reboot: disable on FSP code update or unrecoverable HMI
- bedab1a fast-reset: disable fast reboot in event of platform error
- 241daa2 extract-gcov: build with -m64 if compiler supports it
- f240c68 skiboot 5.4.0-rc2 release notes
- c25007d flash-subpartition: fix spurious non-NULL check of non-NULL variable
- 73df7de print-stb-container: close(fd) to clean up neatly
- f1fc456 doc: ref for skiboot-5.4.0-rc1 release notes
- c28de6e doc: bump docs version to 5.4.0-rc2, fix oneline description
- f4d05e6 doc/release-notes/skiboot-5.4.0-rc2: fix RST table format
- 452b5f8 doc/stable-skiboot-rules: fix broken link
- 3b4941b add BUILD_ASSERT that reset_patch fits in area saved
- 0560492 doc: use RST references where appropriate
- 91350c5 doc: enable syntax highlighting of Device Tree Source (dts)
- 60b1eb9 doc: device-tree snippets should be dts code-blocks
- d7e4438 doc: link OPAL_HANDLE_INTERRUPT docs to ibm,opal DT
- f2ebc10 doc: Document path of /ibm,opal/diagnostics being ABI
- 99f1461 travis-ci: use Docker containers for a matrix of platforms
- 6979263 boot-tests: force BMC to boot from non-golden side
- 1f4b254 stb: Obey secure-enabled in device tree
- cb18213 skiboot 5.4.0-rc3 release notes
- b15a51e doc: use make_version to determine release
- 414d62e Remove KERNEL_COMMAND_LINE mention from config.h
- 357acb7 boot_test: fix typo in console message
- 5611389 Add BMC platform to enable correct OEM IPMI commands
- ce6c221 travis: allow failures of fedora24
- 71239ff bmc_platform: fail PNOR access request if no bmc before we reserve it
- d1e2f74 add skiboot-5.4.0-rc4 release notes
- a37b968 Revert "core/ipmi: Set interrupt-parent property"
- 7a6298e Add skiboot-5.4.0 release notes
- 1a0cd0a fsp: Don't recurse pollers in ibm_fsp_terminate
- 34ec1b5 i2c: Add i2c_run_req() to crank the state machine for a request
- 85a372c tpm_i2c_interface: set timeout before each request
- 0a4733a tpm_i2c_interface: decouple rc from being done with i2c request
- f176f5c p8i2c: Use calculated poll_interval when booting OPAL
- b1bdd88 slw: do SLW timer testing while holding xscom lock
- d2c5d50 Limit number of "Poller recursion detected" errors to display
- 8b5cf36 add skiboot-5.4.1 release notes
- 2924f7f p8-i2c reset things manually in some error conditions
- ce40329 i2c: Add nuvoton quirk, disallowing i2cdetect as it locks TPM
- 6ed7116 Add skiboot-5.4.2 release notes
Suraj Jitindar Singh (2):
- 90cd910 platforms/ibm-fsp: Use power_ctl bit when determining slot reset method
- 763b065 external/mambo: Update skiboot.tcl to add page-sizes nodes to device tree
Vasant Hegde (8):
- 742b722 Make: Add skiboot.lid.xz to make clean
- 7185dbc FSP/ELOG: Remove redundant elog state
- 50745d8 FSP/ELOG: Fix elog timeout issue
- 5acf424 HDAT: Fix typo in nest-frequency property
- fadbedc HDAT: Fix typo in nest-frequency property
- 94125da platforms/firenze: Fix clock frequency dt property
- 0b8da32 platforms/firenze: Fix clock frequency dt property
- edf5768 core/pel: Validate 'system-id' DT property before using
Vipin K Parashar (2):
- 51b9eeb lpc: Log LPC SYNC errors as unrecoverable ones for manufacturing
- 9e8350c core/platform: Replace printfs with prlog
leoluo (2):
- bffeae1 Add SuperMicro p8dtu1u and p8dtu2u platforms
- 4e4db1a p8dtu: change OPAL esel command to IBM 0x3a
Package: witherspoon-xml
Cakici (2):
Matt Spinler (1):
- d1c6189 Add BMC connected devices.
Prachi Gupta (4):
- 30fb0a0 check-in witherspoon xml with full boot in hb standalone simics
- d807659 xml with defaults from hb attribute/target types files
- bfb119b BAR Address Updates
njames (1):
- 2b481ad add missing i2c_master_dimm0123 target
Package: zaius-xml
No changes.